12 Benefits of Tamarind

Reviewed by Experts

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Tamarind, also known as Tamarindus indica, is a well-known fruit, especially in the Indian subcontinent, used for centuries in various cuisines and traditional medicines. It has been described as Amleeka in Ayurvedic medical literature and is helpful for therapeutic purposes. Furthermore, it has been described using the terms Rasa, Guna, Veerya, and Vipaka.[1]

The fruit has a distinct sour and sweet fruit taste and aroma that not only adds a unique flavor to dishes but is also packed with vitamin A, calcium, potassium, phosphorous, and magnesium, amongst other essential nutrients that impart numerous health benefits.[2] Whether aiding digestion, improving heart health, or treating various ailments, tamarind benefits are arguably immense. This article will explore 12 of the most notable benefits of the tamarind fruit, tamarind seeds, and tamarind leaves, making this multipurpose plant a valuable addition to everyday life.

12 Amazing Tamarind Benefits You Must Know

Tamarind benefits human health in various ways, and here are 12 of its most incredible contributions to the well-being of an individual.

1. Used in treating constipation

Tamarind seeds and sweet tamarind pulp have been known to have a laxative effect and thus are used in traditional medicines.[3]

2. Adds nutrition to food preparations:

adds nutrition to food preparations - tamarind benefits

Tamarind is used to make curries, salads, stews, and soups that become rich in Vitamin B and other amino acids, fatty acids, minerals, and vitamins.[4] Tamarind powder is also used in preparing confectionery and as a stabilizer in ice creams, mayonnaise, and cheese.[6]

3. Helps with diarrhea and dysentery:

Tamarind benefits include treating diarrhea and dysentery, especially in a pulp form and mixed with lemon.[5]

4. Has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties:

The presence of sterols and triterpenes in tamarind leaves suggests they are responsible for the analgesic activity and are effective in treating eye inflammation.[5]

5. Treatment of malaria and fever:

Tamarind leaves and the tamarind fruit pulp are often used as a febrifuge or medicine to reduce fever.[5]

6. Healing of wounds:

Tamarind has been known to be used in the treatment of cuts, injuries, and abscesses. They are applied externally on the affected spot and help clean wounds caused by Guinea worm infections.[5]

7. Provides relief during abdominal pain:

Tamarind helps treat stomach aches and works as a purgative when taken orally. [5]

8. Has antioxidant properties:

One of the several benefits of tamarind seeds is its potent antioxidant compound, making it an essential source of cancer chemopreventive.[5]

9. Has antimicrobial properties:

Tamarind fruit also has antifungal and antibacterial properties and can help immensely in urinary tract infections (UTI), wounds, and pneumonia, as well as in purifying drinking water and controlling pests and diseases.[6]

10. Treatment of dry eyes:

benefits of tamarind - treatment of dry eyes

Among the several benefits of tamarind seeds, is their effect in improving the symptoms of dry eyes and in the possible treatment of the disease when combined with different molecules.[7]

11. Anti-diabetic effects:

It is believed by traditional healers that tamarind seeds possess anti-diabetic properties, and scientific reports also support their hypoglycemic activity.[8]

12. Treatment for venomous wounds:

Tamarind seeds have been mentioned in traditional herbal Indian medicine systems as an effective alternative treatment to serum therapy. The seed extracts can control the early impacts of venom such as hypotension, inflammation, edema and damage to local tissues.[9]

FAQs on Tamarind

1. Why should one also exercise caution while using tamarind?

Studies have revealed that there may be several problems associated with the quality of tamarind products primarily because of their high moisture level and seed, fibre, and rind contents. It is also said that tamarind may sometimes come adulterated with foreign matter, which is both organic and inorganic. This is primarily a result of poor post-harvest management practices

2. Can tamarind help promote hair growth?

Although many believe that tamarind has a role to play when it comes to preventing hair fall and strengthening hair, little scientific evidence supports this claim, and its role in hair growth is limited.

3. Can tamarind juice be taken every day?

It has been observed that moderate quantities of tamarind juice daily can help boost the skin, immunity, and overall health system in different ways. Thus, taking tamarind juice in average amounts is acceptable every day.


Tamarind is a well-known medicinal plant with immense therapeutic properties and health benefits. It is cheap and readily available in different parts of the world, making it an easy ingredient to use in treating various diseases. In this article, we have brought to notice, some of the most essential properties of sweet tamarind, delved deeper into the tamarind meaning, and explored its several benefits.

Disclaimer: This article is written from a health and wellness perspective and is not medical advice. Kindly seek the help of a certified medical practitioner before initiating any treatment.


  2. Tamarind: A diet‐based strategy against lifestyle maladies
  3. The laxative effect of fresh pulp aqueous extracts of Thai Tamarind cultivars
  4. Tamarindus indica L. – A review of traditional uses, phytochemistry and pharmacology
  5. Tamarindus indica: Extent of explored potential
  6. Tamarind (Tamarindus indica)
  7. The effect of an artificial tear combining hyaluronic acid and tamarind seeds polysaccharide in patients with moderate dry eye syndrome: a new treatment for dry eye
  8. Studies on the antidiabetic effects of Tamarindus indica (Tamarind) Linn. seeds on Nondiabetic, Type 1 and Type 2 diabetic model rats
  9. The Anti-snake venom properties of Tamarindus indica (Leguminosae) seed extract
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Dr. Deepa Kadam

Dr. Deepa has over 25 years of experience making her one of the notable medical professionals in the field of Ayurveda with expertise in Ayurvedic pharmacology.