15 Amazing Benefits of Lady Finger

Reviewed By Experts

lady finger benefits - livayur

Lady finger or Okra, more commonly known as ‘Bhindi’ in Indian households and the benefits of bhindi are well-known. It is known as ‘Gumbo’ in American households, is a vegetable crop commonly grown in tropical and subtropical regions across the world. However, it isn’t merely a culinary delight but a medicinal delight as well, the benefits of eating lady finger are immense. Lady Finger is a very good source of dietary fiber, magnesium, manganese, potassium, vitamin K, vitamin C, folate, B1, and B6. Studies have indicated that Lady Finger is rich in bioactive components, such as flavonoids, especially quercetin and phytosterols that may prove effective against heart diseases and cancers. [1] Being so rich in nutrients, lady finger deserves a seat at our dining tables, quite literally!

Let’s take a look at the lady finger benefits:

“The botanical name of ladyfinger is Abelmoschus esculentus, and it belongs to the family Malvaceae.”

Nutritional Value of Lady Finger

In 100 g Lady Finger, these are the nutrients that can be found: [3]

Calories33 K Cal
Protein1.9 g
Carbohydrates7.5 g
Dietary Fiber3.2 g
Sugars1.5 g
Fat0.2 g
Saturated Fat0 g
Monounsaturated Fat0 g
Polyunsaturated Fat0.1 g
Vitamin A375 IU (7.5% DV)
Vitamin C21.1 mg (35.2% DV)
Vitamin K31.3 mcg (39.1% DV)
Folate88 mcg (22% DV)
Vitamin B60.2 mg (10% DV)
Thiamine0.1 mg (6% DV)
Riboflavin0.03 mg (2% DV)
Niacin1 mg (5% DV)
Pantothenic Acid0.2 mg (2% DV)
Calcium82 mg (8.2% DV)
Iron0.8 mg (4.4% DV)
Magnesium57 mg (14.2% DV)
Phosphorous61 mg (6.1% DV)
Potassium299 mg (8.5% DV)
Sodium7 mg (0.3% DV)
Zinc0.6 mg (4% DV)
Copper0.1 mg (4% DV)
Manganese0.8 mg (41% DV)

DV here stands for Daily Value out of a 2000 K Calorie diet.

Properties of Ladyfinger

The therapeutic properties of ladyfinger are: [5]

  • Antioxidant
  • Reduces tiredness
  • Exhibits anti-diabetic properties
  • Antimicrobial and antitumor properties
  • Regulates the immune system
  • Reduces irritation or inflammation
  • Lowers fever
  • Shield the bones

Uses of Ladyfinger [3]

  • Ladyfinger works as a hair conditioner. It makes the hair lustrous, moisturizes the scalp, gets rid of lice and dandruff, and soothes an itch.
  • Asthma sufferers may benefit from ladyfinger’s antioxidant and anti-inflammatory qualities. 
  • Antioxidants and vitamin A found in ladyfinger may contribute to strong eyesight maintenance. 
  • Being alkaline, the slimy substance in ladyfinger may help counteract stomach acid. Additionally, it might improve the healing of stomach ulcers and provide a protective layer over the digestive system.

Now, without further ado, diving deep into the amazing benefits of lady finger benefits.

15 Incredible health benefits of Ladyfinger

1. Rich in Nutrients:

Ladyfinger nutrition makes it a powerhouse, containing a wide range of essential vitamins and minerals. The benefits of bhindi are numerous. It is a rich source of nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin K, folate, manganese, phosphorus, zinc, and copper. These nutrients are vital in maintaining overall health and supporting various bodily functions. [2]

2. Promotes Digestive Health:

One of the significant health benefits of bhindi is its positive impact on the digestive system. It contains a high amount of dietary fiber, which facilitates proper water absorption and helps prevent constipation through regular bowel movements. [2]

Ladyfinger vegetable is considered an excellent digestive aid in Ayurveda. It stimulates the digestive fire (agni), improves digestion, and promotes the absorption of nutrients.

3. Helps in Diabetes Management:

Ladyfinger has shown promising results in managing diabetes. It contains soluble fiber that slows down the absorption of sugar in the digestive system, preventing sudden spikes in blood sugar levels. It has been seen to serve as a dietary therapy for hyperglycemia and hypertriglyceridemia. [4]

4. Great for Heart:

Regularly consuming ladyfinger can contribute to a healthy heart and prevent cardiovascular diseases. The vitamin in lady finger and the high pectin content helps reduce bad cholesterol and serum triglyceride levels, thus reducing the risk of heart disease. [4]

5. Has Anti-Cancer Properties:

Among the other lady finger benefits are its possession of potent anti-cancer properties. It contains phytochemical compounds, which have been found to curb the growth and proliferation of cancer cells, particularly in liver and colon cancer. [4]

6. Keeps your eyesight b:

The presence of vitamin in lady finger such as vitamin A and B carotene promotes good vision. These nutrients help protect the eyes from various vision-related illnesses. Thus, including ladyfinger in the diet can contribute to maintaining healthy eyesight. [4]

7. Strengthens Bones:

Ladyfinger contains essential nutrients like calcium, magnesium, and vitamin K, crucial for maintaining healthy bones. Vitamin K also acts as a co-factor in the blood-clotting process and promotes bone density and strength, reducing the risk of bone-related problems. [2]

8. Positive Impact on Skin Health:

Consuming ladyfinger can have a positive impact on the skin. The dietary fibers present in this vegetable help keep digestion problems away, leading to healthy-looking skin. The high vitamin C content also keeps the skin firm, youthful, and more vibrant. [2]

9. Boosts Hair Health:

Ayurveda mentions several lady finger benefits for skin. Ladyfinger is a natural conditioner and moisturizer for hair that can help with unruly, curly, and lifeless hair. It also helps fight dandruff, is used as a hair rinse to result in lustrous and b hair. It also treats dry and itchy scalp. [2]

10. Prevents occurrences of Asthma:

Studies have shown that ladyfinger benefits include the presence of anti-asthmatic properties. The presence of certain compounds helps reduce inflammation in the respiratory system and improve lung function. Including ladyfinger vegetable in the diet may help manage asthma symptoms. [2]

11. Supports foetal development:

Ladyfinger contains folate and vitamin C that support the growth and development of the fetus’s brain. Thus, the benefits of lady finger for female is noted during pregnancy. It also helps prevent congenital defects in newborns. [4]

12. Boosts Immunity:

Ladyfinger vegetable is an excellent source of polysaccharides that mainly help improve immune performance. Regular consumption of lady finger helps in protecting the body against various infections and diseases. [5]

13. Possess anti-oxidant and anti-fatigue properties:

Ladyfinger vegetable is a storehouse of powerful antioxidants that strengthen the immune system. Regularly consuming ladyfingers helps protect the body against various infections and diseases. Okra polysaccharides, polyphenols, and flavonoids can prolong swimming time and promote fatigue recovery. [5]

14. Has anti-tumor Properties:

Ladyfinger possesses b anti-tumor properties due to the presence of okra pectin and lectin. It is also rich in polyphenols and flavonoids, and regular intake can help reduce the risk of tumors. [5]

15. Aids in Weight Management:

The benefits of eating lady finger also include weight management. It also helps lower body weight along with improving the body’s glucose tolerance levels. [6]

Ways to consume Lady Finger

The edible part of a lady finger plant are as follows. Keep in mind that these are the parts that can be cooked or eaten:

  1. Leaves
  2. Flower Buds
  3. Flowers
  4. Seeds

Leaves are also eaten raw in salads or dried, ground into powder, and used as a flavoring. Cooked leaves are also used as soup thickeners. Immature fruits are cooked as vegetables while still tender. Seeds are cooked or ground and used to make bread or ‘tofu’ or ‘tempeh’. The roasted seeds are the best of the non-caffeinated substitutes for coffee. The greenish-yellow, edible oil extracted from ripe seeds tastes and smells pleasant. Seeds contain 40% of oil. Roots are edible although very fibrous, mucilaginous and without much flavour.Thus, it is highly recommended to savor the benefits of bhindi.

Potential Side Effects of Lady Finger

There are no recorded side effects of lady finger, when it is consumed in moderation. However, portion-size always matters. Same goes for Lady Finger.

  1. Eating too much Ladyfinger can have unwanted side effects such as gastrointestinal problems as it contains fructans. It can potentially cause diarrhea, gas, cramping, and bloating in people with existing bowel problems.
  2. Due to some other health conditions, some people might develop allergies to Lady Fingers. If you’ve observed any discomfort on consumption, you must check-in about it, with your doctor immediately.

Precautions to Take With Ladyfinger

Some people develop allergic reactions after eating ladyfinger. Avoid eating lady fingers if you are allergic to them. Before using ladyfinger or any herbal supplement for its health benefits, it is advisable to consult your healthcare provider.


1. What are the benefits of Ladyfinger as per Ayurveda?

Okra. or Ladyfinger in Hindi, holds a special place in Ayurveda, the traditional Indian system of medicine. Two of the key benefits of ladyfinger in Ayurveda include:
Balancing Vata and Pitta Doshas: Lady finger balances the Vata and Pitta doshas, the elemental energies in Ayurveda. It helps pacify excessive Vata (air and ether) and Pitta (fire and water) doshas in the body, promoting overall well-being.
Digestive Aid: Ladyfinger vegetable is considered an excellent digestive aid in Ayurveda. It stimulates the digestive fire (agni), improves digestion, and promotes the absorption of nutrients.

2. Can okra be eaten every day?

Eating too much okra or Ladyfinger in Hindi can have unwanted side effects such as gastrointestinal problems as Okra contains fructans, that in turn potentially causes diarrhea, gas, cramping, and bloating in people with existing bowel problems.

3. Is ladyfinger considered a superfood?

Ladyfinger vitamin content such as Vitamin A and C as well as other nutrients and antioxidants help lower the risk of fatal health conditions like diabetes, cancer, stroke, and cardiac disease. This puts it in the category of a superfood.


The humble ladyfinger, or okra, stands out amidst all the other vegetables as a nutritional powerhouse with its diverse health benefits. From its role in blood sugar regulation for diabetic patients to its richness in proteins, vitamins, and antioxidants, ladyfinger is a well deserved addition to our meal plans. Its positive impact on liver health, digestive issues, asthma prevention, and even its potential in reducing the risk of colon cancer showcase its versatility in promoting overall well-being. Whether contributing to weight management, skin health, bone strength, or preventing anemia, ladyfinger is a versatile vegetable that not only tantalizes our taste buds but also serves as a medicinal delight. Embracing ladyfinger as a dietary staple is a delicious and nutritious choice for cultivating a healthier lifestyle.


This article is written from a health and wellness perspective and is not medical advice. Kindly seek the help of a certified medical practitioner before initiating any treatment.


  1. Nutrient profile, bioactive components, and functional properties of okra
  2. Amazing Benefits Of Okra/Lady’s Finger For Skin, Hair And Health.
  3. Okra and its various applications in Drug Delivery, Food Technology , Health Care and Pharmacological Aspects – A Review.
  4. A Review on Ethnomedicinal, Pharmacological, Phytochemical and Pharmaceutical Profile of Lady’s Finger ( Abelmoschus esculentus L.) Plant
  5. Okra in Food Field: Nutritional Value, Health Benefits and Effects of Processing Methods on Quality
  6. Okra (Abelmoschus Esculentus) as a Potential Dietary Medicine with Nutraceutical Importance for Sustainable Health Applications

Dr. Deepa Kadam

Dr. Deepa has over 25 years of experience making her one of the notable medical professionals in the field of Ayurveda with expertise in Ayurvedic pharmacology.


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