Top 11 Incredible Benefits of Grapes

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benefits of grapes - livayur

Do you like grapes? Do you know that these juicy fruits are not only a tasty treat but also a nutritional powerhouse that can provide numerous advantages for your well-being?

From their rich array of nutrients to their potential health-promoting properties, grapes have captured the attention of both modern science and Ayurveda.  

In this article, let’s delve deeper into the nutritional value, Ayurvedic uses and health benefits of grapes. Let’s discover the natural power of these delightful fruits and unlock a healthier self.

Nutritional Value of Grapes (1)

Grapes are packed with valuable nutrients that contribute to your overall health. These juicy fruits are abundant in sugars, flavonoids, anthocyanins, proanthocyanidins, organic acids, tannins, mineral salts, and vitamins. 

The skin of red and black grapes, in particular, is a rich source of resveratrol, a powerful antioxidant derived from stilbene. Resveratrol has gained attention for its exceptional antioxidant properties, making it one of the strongest natural antioxidants known. 

Health Benefits of Grapes

  1. Antioxidant Activity (1)
  • Secondary Benefits: In addition, grape seed proanthocyanidin extract (GSPE) also provides protection against free radicals and oxidative damage.
  1. Cardiovascular Health (1)
  • Primary Benefits: Oral consumption of standardised grape extract has shown improved post-ischemic ventricular recovery and reduced myocardial infarction in rats.
  • Secondary Benefits: Grape seed tannins also exhibit antihypercholesterolemic effects by enhancing reverse cholesterol transport and reducing cholesterol absorption.
  1. Protection Against Oxidative Damage (1)
  • Primary Benefits: Grape seed extract protects against oxidative damage in various organs such as the liver, brain, and kidneys.
cardiovascular health - benefits of grapes
  1. Cancer Chemoprevention (1)
  • Primary Benefits: Grape seed extract has shown effective protection against tumour promotion in mouse skin. Polyphenolic fractions from grape cell culture act as potent catalytic inhibitors for cancer chemoprevention.
  • Secondary Benefits: Studies also show that grape skin polyphenolic extract can help prevent and inhibit angiogenesis, a process crucial for tumour growth.
  1. Antimicrobial Activity (1)
  • Primary Benefits: Several components of grapes, such as gallic acid and tannins, exhibit antimicrobial activity.
  • Secondary Benefits: Additionally, grape seed extract also shows antilisterial activity and helps decrease bacterial numbers.
  1. Neuroprotective Effects (1)
  • Primary Benefits: Grape seed extract has shown potent neuroprotective effects, reducing brain injury and DNA damage in animal models. 
  • Secondary Benefits: In addition, grapes can not only help improve memory performance but also enhance antioxidant status in the central nervous system.
  1. Wound Healing and Skin Health (1)
  • Primary Benefits: Research has shown that grape seed extract can help accelerate wound contraction and healing.
  • Secondary Benefits: Additionally, it may also facilitate the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in keratinocytes, promoting skin health.
  1. Diabetic Complications (1)
  • Primary Benefits: Studies show that grape seed extract can help ameliorate diabetic nephropathy and cardiac damage associated with glycation.

Also check our blog on diabetic neuropathy

  • Secondary Benefits: It may also help up-regulate the antioxidant defence mechanism and attenuate oxidative stress in the brain.
  1. Weight Control and Obesity Treatment (2)
  • Primary Benefits: Researchers show that grape seed extracts help inhibit gastrointestinal digestion of lipids, potentially suppressing fat absorption and aiding in weight control.
  • Secondary Benefits: Furthermore, resveratrol, found in grapes, may interact with proteins and pathways involved in obesity and help enhance energy homeostasis and insulin sensitivity.
  1. Anti-Ageing Effects (2)
  • Primary Benefits: Grape seed proanthocyanidin extract improves insulin sensitivity and reduces free radical formation, combating age-related disorders.
  • Secondary Benefits: Resveratrol and anthocyanins in grapes also exhibit anti-ageing effects, mainly due to their antioxidant properties.
  1. Hormonal Effects (2)
  • Primary Benefits: Resveratrol acts as an oestrogen receptor superagonist, potentially benefiting hormonal balance.

Secondary Benefits: Additionally, anthocyanins in grape seeds affect endothelial cells, triggering the synthesis and release of nitric oxide (NO) for relaxation and temperature reduction.

Ayurvedic Properties of Grapes (1)
protection against oxidative damage - benefits of eating grapes

Grapes are known as Draksha in Ayurveda and are used for various medicinal purposes. 

Sweet and astringent in taste, grapes possess cooling energy and a sweet post-digestive effect. They have the ability to balance all three doshas – Vata, Pitta, and Kapha while also affecting the bodily tissues of Rasa (plasma), Rakta (blood), and Shukra (reproductive fluids).

Notably, grapes have a sweet taste and act as body coolants. They are soft, easily digestible, and enhance the moisture content of body tissues. These properties make grapes particularly effective in alleviating Vata and Pitta imbalances and treating disorders caused by these Doshas.

Ayurvedic Uses of Grapes (1)

Grapes, or Draksha, have various benefits for different organ systems. In Ayurveda, they are highly recommended for the nervous system, as they act as a brain tonic and help boost memory power. 

Ayurveda also promotes using grapes for digestive health as they are highly effective in alleviating Vata and Pitta, making them useful in conditions like constipation, jaundice, and thirst.

Grapes are also recommended for treating diseases caused by the vitiation of Rakta (blood) and Pitta, such as gout and allergies, as well as respiratory conditions like tuberculosis, cough, and bronchitis.

Additionally, grapes are also used in Ayurveda to improve fertility, the quality and quantity of semen, sperm count, and sperm motility. They are also recommended for the treatment of erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.

On a Final Note

Incorporating grapes into your diet can offer a multitude of health benefits. From their high nutritional value to their potential therapeutic properties, grapes have proven to be a remarkable addition to a healthy lifestyle. 

With their antioxidant activity, cardiovascular support, protection against oxidative damage, cancer chemoprevention potential, antimicrobial effects, and neuroprotective properties, grapes have demonstrated their value in promoting overall well-being. 

Furthermore, their Ayurvedic properties and uses highlight their significance in balancing Doshas, supporting various organ systems and addressing specific health concerns. 

Whether you enjoy them as a snack, in juices, or as an ingredient in culinary creations, grapes can contribute to your journey towards optimal health.


  1. How can I incorporate grapes into my daily diet?

There are numerous ways to enjoy grapes! You can have them as a snack on their own, add them to salads, blend them into smoothies, or use them as a topping for yoghurt or cereal. Get creative and experiment with different recipes to make the most of this nutritious fruit.

  1. Are grapes suitable for people with diabetes?

Yes, grapes can be included in a diabetic diet. However, it’s important to consume them in moderation and consider their impact on blood sugar levels. Speak with a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian for personalised advice on incorporating grapes into your diabetes management plan.

  1. Can I use grapes as a natural remedy for constipation?

Yes, grapes can be helpful in relieving constipation due to their natural fibre content. The fibre in grapes adds bulk to the stool, facilitating regular bowel movements. Including grapes as part of a high-fibre diet, along with plenty of water, can help maintain healthy bowel movements.

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for general information and not meant to substitute any medical advice. Please consult your doctor for appropriate medical consultation.




Dr. Deepa Kadam

Dr. Deepa has over 25 years of experience making her one of the notable medical professionals in the field of Ayurveda with expertise in Ayurvedic pharmacology.