Balancing Pitta Dosha: Ayurvedic Strategies for Summer Heat

Balancing Pitta Dosha Ayurvedic Strategies for Summer Heat 20 11zon

The foundation of Ayurvedic medicine is the belief that there are five elements in the world: Aakash (space), Jala (water), Prithvi (earth), Teja (fire), and Vayu (air). 

Each element when combined results in one of the three doshas: pitta, kapha, and vata and these doshas are in charge of an individual’s physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

The pitta dosha in simpler words means the factors that influence the metabolism system of the body. It is a type of heat energy excessive production which can cause inflammation, indigestion, excessive sweating, etc. Hence, it is very important to learn how to balance a pitta dosha to avoid such disorders. 
In this article we will discuss the symptoms of pitta and along with sharing the ways how to control pitta dosha effectively. Scroll down for more information

Understanding Pitta Dosha

The Pitta Dosha is the body’s hottest Dosha, according to Ayurveda. Pitta in the body is in charge of controlling metabolism and digestion. Pitta is connected to the fire element of the body and is derived from the term “Tapa,” which means heat. It is fluid, nevertheless, because it also contains the element of water. 

Pitta dosha imbalances can result in inflammation and a host of other health issues. During summer, due to extremely high temperatures and hot days, it is also called pitta season and hence, it becomes essential to balance the pitta dosha, especially in summer. 

Causes And Symptoms Of Pitta Dosha

Pitta imbalance in the body can have several reasons, some of which are listed below: 

  • Consuming strong, acidic, and salty foods
  • Overindulgence in processed and deep-fried foods 
  • Tension and emotional stress 
  • Inadequate sleep
  • Consumption of large amounts of caffeine, alcohol, tea, and nicotine 
  • Overexposure to the sun or heat

Symptoms Of Pitta Dosh

During the scorching days of summer, many of us experience heightened pitta aggravation. The intense heat of the season can lead to discomfort, especially for those with a predominant pitta dosha. When pitta is balanced, it fosters qualities like bravery, leadership, and a healthy sense of humour however, when out of balance, it may manifest itself as follows: 

  • Increased thirst and hunger 
  • Sweaty and skin irritability like rosacea
  • Acidic stomach and diarrhoea
  • Burning sensation in the body
  • The colour of eyes changes to Red
  • Sudden and flaring temper and frequent irritations
  • Early onset of grey hair 
  • Imbalance of hormones 
  • Insomnia and migraines 
  • Sore throat 
  • During menstruation, heavy or severe bleeding occurs 
  • Tenderness in testicles or breasts 
  • Acid reflux and heartburn

 How To Control Pitta Dosha?

The meaning of pitta balancing means arresting the overproduction of food in the body in a season where the external factors already increase our body temperature. Additionally, to control this consuming pitta balancing food is the best way to balance out this dosha.Pitta Dosha can be controlled by following the simple techniques such as:

  • Try to avoid unnecessary exposure to the heat
  • It is best to eat before the sunrise since in summer our digestive fire is low. Eating before 11. AM will prevent indigestion and other related disorders. 
  • To soothe the hot Pitta Dosha, practice relaxation techniques including deep breathing, meditation, and mild exercise. However, avoid working out in the heat
  • Remain hydrated to counteract the heat brought on by Pitta Dosha
  •  Since stress can exacerbate Pitta Dosha, practice stress-reduction strategies like yoga, mindfulness, and getting enough sleep
  • Steer clear of hot and spicy foods as hot, greasy, and spicy aggravate Pitta Dosha. 
  • Choose foods that are bitter, sweet, and have cooling effects, for your diet. Include food such as sweet fruits, raw vegetables, rice, wheat, leafy greens, 
  • Cucumbers, papaya, cabbage and grains such as rice and wheat are pitta balancing in nature. 
  • Limit your exposure to the sun and hot weather since heat aggravates Pitta Dosha

How To Balance Pitta Dosha Through Diet

Summer can be extremely challenging to balance the pitta dosha, however certain pitta-reducing foods can be beneficial.

Try these foods to reduce the pitta dosha in the body.

  • Eat pitta foods which are bitter, sweet, and astringent in taste as these tastes are proven to reduce pitta.
  • You can also drink water with a splash of rose water, cucumber, or fresh mint. Aloe juice and coconut water are also excellent substitutes. These drinks’ cooling qualities will put out Pitta’s fires.
  • Restrict the consumption of greasy, hot, highly salted, and inflammatory meals because their Rajasic qualities will aggravate Pitta and worsen its imbalance.
  • Fasting for extended periods between meals can lead to acid reflux and irritability, especially for Pitta-predominant individuals. It is advisable to adhere to a consistent meal schedule at predetermined times.

The Takeaway

When there is an excess accumulation of pitta in the body, one may experience generation of heat in the body. Acid reflux, gas, and indigestion are some of the consequences if pitta dosha goes out of balance. Yoga practice and a pitta balancing diet during summer can help in balancing the pitta dosha and keep the body in optimal condition. 


1. What is the Ayurvedic science of Pitta dosha?

In the ayurveda, there are three doshas – vata, pitta and Kapha. The pitta dosha or imbalance is when there is overproduction of heat in the body due to external circumstances like summer heat or consuming spicy and hot food items. This then causes acid reflux, heartburn, indigestion and diarrhoea. 

2. What is the main cause of Pitta dosha in summer?

The main reason for the occurrence of such imbalance is eating the wrong kind of food items. For instance, hard liquor, beverages, oily, fried, hot and spicy food, and red meat will trigger the pitta dosha in the body. Moreover processed food with onion and garlic can also cause the imbalance.

3. How can I control the Pitta dosha in summer?

Firstly, eat more healthy and cooling foods like fresh and juicy fruits and vegetables, drink water integrated with lemon, honey, etc., opt for normal home made food like rice and vegetables, etc. 



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