Gokhru: Benefits, Uses, Dosage, Side Effects & More

Reviewed by experts

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Gokhru is a small leafy plant native to warm, temperate, and tropical regions. Scientifically known as Tribulus Terrestris, it has played a significant role in traditional medicine and wellness systems related to Ayurveda

The new-found interest in Gokhru stems from its historical use in Ayurveda, where it has found use for various health concerns. If you are eager to know more details about the benefits of Gokhru, this article is an ideal starting point. We will also look at the uses, recommended dosage, and possible side effects of Gokhru to give you comprehensive information about this herb.

On this page:

Quick facts about Gokhru

  1. Gokhru is a creeping herb that is typically annual, though it may exhibit perennial characteristics. [1]
  2. The fruits of Gokhru have potential benefits in promoting sexual health. [1]
  3. This plant thrives in various soil types, demonstrating adaptability. However, it flourishes best in dry, loose, sandy soils. It prospers near dunes or loose-blown soil found around field margins. [1]
  4. Gokhru is a variable prostate annual plant that can reach lengths up to 90 cm. It is widely distributed throughout India, thriving in diverse terrains up to an altitude of 5,400 m. In the Kashmir region, it can grow at elevations of up to 11,000 feet. [1]

What is Gokhru?

Gokhru is a tropical plant that thrives across the diverse landscapes of India. This annual or sometimes perennial creeping herb has been traditionally valued for its medicinal properties. The particular focus on the extensive use of its fruit is for promoting sexual health. 

The spiny fruits of this herb are approximately the size of a gram and possess a distinct triangular shape, with spines spread across each corner. The plant leaves are lush green, while the fruit displays a greenish-yellow hue. Notably, there are two varieties of Gokhru, namely Khurd and Kalan. Each possesses unique attributes to the medicinal properties associated with this botanical remedy. [1]

Different names of Gokhru

Here are the various names of Gokhru in different languages. [1]

  1. English: Caltrops fruits, Calthrops, Small Caltrops, Land caltrops, Puncture vine
  2. Hindi: Gokhru, Gokshri, Burragokhur
  3. Sanskrit: Shvadanstra, Traikantaka, Gokshuru, Bahukantaka
  4. Arabic: Khask, Kharakhusk, Zufratulajooz, Hamasulameer, Kohuj
  5. Persian: KhareKhask, Kharsagosha, khask.  
  6. Urdu: Gokharu
  7. Marathi: Sarate, Gokharu, Lahanagokharu, Sarala, Sharatte, Lahangokhru
  8. Bengali: Gokshura, Gokhri, Gokhru, Gokhura, Gokshra, Gokhuri
  9. Gujarati: Nahannagokharu, Mithagokhru, Betagokhru

Nutritional value of Gokhru

NutrientAmount (Approximate)
Calories60-70 kcal
Carbohydrates15-20 grams
Protein1-2 grams
Fat0-1 gram
Vitamins and Minerals
– Vitamin CTraces
– Calcium40-60 mg
– Iron1-2 mg
– Potassium300-400 mg
– Magnesium10-20 mg
– Phosphorus20-30 mg

Chemical constituents of Gokhru 

Here are the various chemical constituents found across different parts of Gokhru. [2]

FruitAlkaloids 3.5%–5%, stable oil, aromatic oil, resins, glycosides, carbohydrates, saponins, and triterpenoids
StemSaponins, herman, phytosterols, tannins and carbohydrates
RootReducing sugars, phenolic compounds, saponins, xanthoproteins, alkaloids, triterpenoids and flavonoids.
LeavesFlavonoids, alkaloids, steroids, resins, saponins, and proteins.

Chemical structure of Gokhru



Medicinal properties of Gokhru

Here are some renowned properties of Gokhru based on Ayurveda.

1. Amavata (rheumatoid arthritis)

Gokhru is beneficial in treating amavata by offering relief for rheumatoid arthritis. [3]

2. Amlapitta (hyperacidity)

Gokhru helps address amlapitta by effectively treating hyperacidity. [3]

3. Antravriddhi (hernia)

Gokhru helps in the treatment of antravriddhi by providing therapeutic support for hernia. [3]

4. Ashmari (renal stones)

Gokhru demonstrates effectiveness against renal stones and is helpful in treating ashmari. [3]

5. Arsha (piles)

Gokhru is an effective remedy for arsha, as it contributes to the alleviation of piles. [3]

6. Hridroga (cardiac diseases)

Gokhru helps in the treatment of hridroga by addressing various cardiac diseases. [3]

7. Raktapitta (bleeding disorder)

Gokhru can help treat raktapitta by providing relief for bleeding disorders. [3]

8. Shoola (pain relief)

Gokhru acts as a pain reliever and is beneficial in managing conditions causing discomfort. [3]

9. Shotha (edema)

Gokhru is beneficial in treating shotha by contributing to the relief of edema. [3]

10. Vatarakta (gout)

Gokhru helps treat vatarakta by offering relief for conditions related to gout. [3]

Gokhru benefits 

Here are the various Gokhru benefits.

1. Heals urinary disorders and adrenal stones

Gokhru is beneficial in treating urinogenital disorders and kidney-related issues, including the dissolution of renal and gallbladder stones. [3]

2. Offers aphrodisiac properties

Recognized for its aphrodisiac attributes, Gokhru helps address sexual disorders like infertility and erectile dysfunction in both males and females. [3]

3. Acts as an anti-inflammatory

Gokhru exhibits anti-inflammatory properties, making it beneficial for inflammation conditions, including respiratory issues like cough and asthma. [3]

4. Offers demulcent and diuretic properties

Gokhru acts as a demulcent as it soothes irritated tissues. It also possesses diuretic properties as it promotes excess fluid removal from the body. [3]

5. Supports cardiac health

Gokhru contributes to cardiovascular well-being by addressing cardiac diseases and vesical calculi. [3]

6. Offers anti-ulcerative and anti-urolithic support

Gokhru demonstrates anti-ulcerative properties and is effective against urolithiasis. It aids in the prevention and management of urinary stones. [3]

7. Offers anticancer and analgesic benefits

The herb has potential anticancer properties and acts as an analgesic, relieving pain. [3]

8. Acts as a stomachic and anti-hypertensive

Gokhru is stomachic and aids in digestive processes. Additionally, it has anti-hypertensive effects that contribute to managing high blood pressure. [3]

9. Is a cardiotonic

Gokhru serves as a cardio tonic by supporting overall heart health. [3]

10. Offers antibacterial and anti-inflammatory support

Gokhru exhibits antibacterial properties and further reinforces its anti-inflammatory characteristics. [3]

11. Acts as a nephroprotective and antispasmodic

Gokhru acts as a nephroprotective agent by safeguarding the kidneys. It also possesses antispasmodic properties that alleviate muscle spasms. [3]

12. Offers anthelmintic and anti-carcinogenic effect

Gokhru is an anthelmintic as it helps expel parasitic worms. It also has anti-carcinogenic potential that contributes to cancer prevention. [3]

Uses of Gokhru

Here are the various uses of Gokhru that showcase its versatility.

1. Balances hormones

Gokhru can enhance hormonal production in both sexes, contributing to hormonal balance. [3]

2. Treats sexual problems

The fruit part of the Gokhru plant can address several sexual problems. It serves as a remedy for issues like impotence, premature ejaculation, menorrhagia, and leucorrhoea. [3]

3. Offers versatile medicinal applications

Gokhru, in its entirety, including the roots and fruit parts, helps treat various conditions. These include sexual diseases, piles, renal and vesical calculi, rheumatism, headaches, dizziness, and abdominal distension. [3]

4. Applications in Ayurveda

According to the Indian Ayurvedic system, Gokhru has diuretic, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory properties. [3]

5. Supports ocular health

When combined with honey, extracts from the plant act as surimi and are applied to the eyes to treat ocular diseases. [3]

6. Promotes oral care

Gokhru finds application in oral care, with plant decoctions used for gargling to overcome toothache and gum issues. [3]

7. Supports wound healing

When mixed with honey, the paste form of Gokhru helps treat wounds and skin inflammation. [3]

8. Offers back pain relief

Gokhru is effective against back pain by relieving individuals experiencing discomfort in the lumbar region. [3]

9. Treats gallbladder stone

The herb helps treat gallbladder stones by contributing to the dissolution of these calculi. [3]

10. Supports female health

Gokhru helps address various female sexual disorders, menstrual irregularities, burning sensations, and issues related to heart and kidney health. It also finds application in managing skin inflammation in women. [3]

Recommended dosage of Gokhru

Here are a few things to know when determining the appropriate dosage of Gokhru.

  1. Determining the dosage of Gokhru is crucial to ensure its therapeutic benefits while minimizing potential risks. 
  2. Dosages may vary based on age, health status, and the specific health concern. 
  3. Generally, Gokhru supplements are available in various forms, including capsules, powders, and tinctures. 
  4. For standardized Gokhru extracts, a typical dosage recommendation is typically in the range of 500 mg to 1500 mg per day, divided into two or three doses. 
  5. Start with a lower dose and increase it while monitoring for adverse reactions.
  6. Consulting with a healthcare professional or an Ayurvedic practitioner is advisable to determine the appropriate dosage. 

How to consume Gokhru

Here are common ways to include Gokhru into your routine.

1. Capsules or tablets

Gokhru supplements are available in capsule or tablet form, providing a convenient and standardized dosage. Taking these with water or as directed by a healthcare professional is suitable.

2. Powder

You can mix Gokhru powder with water or juice. It allows for flexibility in adjusting the dosage based on individual preferences. Starting with a limited amount and increasing it over time is advisable.

3. Tinctures

Gokhru tinctures involve extracting the herb in a solvent. Add a few drops of the tincture and dilute it in water before consumption.

4. Decoctions

Traditional preparations involve boiling Gokhru in water to create a decoction. Depending on personal preference, you can consume it as a tea or after cooling. Adding honey or other natural sweeteners may enhance the taste.

Side effects of Gokhru

While Gokhru is generally safe when consumed within recommended dosages, it is crucial to be aware of potential side effects.

1. Gastrointestinal discomfort

In some cases, Gokhru supplementation may lead to mild gastrointestinal discomfort, including nausea or bloating.

2. Allergic reactions

Individuals with known allergies to plants in the Zygophyllaceae family, to which Gokhru belongs, may experience allergic reactions. Symptoms can include skin rashes and itching.

3. Interactions with medications

Gokhru may interact with certain medications, like anti-hypertensives or blood thinners. Consulting with a healthcare professional to avoid potential adverse interactions is crucial.

4. Hormonal effects

Due to its impact on hormonal balance, Gokhru may influence testosterone levels. Individuals with hormonal disorders or those undergoing hormone therapy should seek guidance from a healthcare provider.

Precautions to keep in mind about Gokhru

While Gokhru has numerous health benefits, it is suitable to exercise caution and consider the following precautions to ensure safe usage.

1. Consultation with healthcare professionals

Before including Gokhru in your routine, consult a healthcare professional or an Ayurvedic practitioner. This is especially crucial for individuals with pre-existing health conditions or those taking prescribed medications.

2. Recommended dosages

Adhere strictly to recommended dosages provided by healthcare professionals or as indicated on the product labels. Start with a lower dose and increase it slowly, as it allows for better tolerance and observation of individual responses.

3. Pregnancy and breastfeeding

Pregnant or breastfeeding individuals should avoid Gokhru supplements, as there is limited information on their safety in these situations.

4. Blood sugar levels

Gokhru may affect blood sugar levels. Individuals with diabetes should monitor their glucose levels closely when using Gokhru supplements.

Where to buy Gokhru

Online storePrice
Rasayanam₹499/Pack (capsules)
Krishna’s Herbal & Ayurveda₹280 (500 ml juice)
Siddhayu₹545 (tablets)
Himalayan Organics₹581 (tablets)
Triphal₹660 for 400g (raw)


1. What are some Gokhru benefits in Hindi or English?

There are many Gokhru benefits or Gokhru ke fayde. It helps address urinary and reproductive system disorders. Gokhru may also support hormonal balance, particularly in men, and traditionally finds use to address sexual disorders and kidney stones. However, it’s crucial to note that individual responses may vary. Consulting with a healthcare professional is ideal.

2. What is Gokhru powder?

Gokhru powder is a powdered form of the Tribulus terrestris plant. It is a convenient way to incorporate the herb into your diet. Mix the powder with water or juice and consume it.

3. What is Gokhru used for?

Gokhru serves many health purposes, primarily addressing urinary and reproductive system concerns. It helps treat sexual disorders, kidney stones, rheumatism, and urinary tract issues. Additionally, Gokhru has diuretic, aphrodisiac, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties.

4. What does Gokshura do for men?

Gokshura, another name for Gokhru, has several benefits for men. It supports male reproductive health by potentially addressing issues like erectile dysfunction and infertility. Gokhru may also positively impact hormonal balance, specifically in increasing testosterone levels.

5. When should I eat Gokhru?

The timing of Gokhru consumption may vary based on individual preferences and health goals. Following the specific instructions on the product label or consulting with a healthcare professional is crucial for personalized advice based on particular health conditions.


Gokhru is a botanical remedy with a rich history in traditional medicine, particularly Ayurveda. From its application in addressing urinary and reproductive system concerns to its recognized diuretic and aphrodisiac properties, Gokhru continues to evoke interest in holistic well-being. As individuals increasingly seek natural alternatives for health improvement, understanding the finer aspects of Gokhru is crucial in making informed decisions about its inclusion into your lifestyle practices. Exercise caution and seek professional advice to maximize the potential advantages of Gokhru while minimizing associated risks.


This article is written from a health and wellness perspective and is not medical advice. Kindly seek the help of a certified medical practitioner before initiating any treatment or dietary modification.


  1. Gokhru (Tribulus terrestris Linn.): Pharmacological actions and therapeutic applications: A Review
  2. Biological activities and medicinal properties of Gokhru (Pedalium murex L.)

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