Can Meditation Help Increase Sex Drive?

Meditation for sex

Increased sex drive may seem like an unlikely benefit of meditation to most as we are suffused with the idea of meditation being associated with spirituality, asceticism, monks, and more. It can be tough to comprehend the association of the two, as meditation is designed to calm you down while sex can get your heart racing. But let us tell you a little secret, meditation and mindfulness can help improve your bedroom experience. How exactly does that work? How are meditation and sex associated? We tell you here.

Meditation and Increased Libido

Meditation for increased sex drive may seem highly unlikely, but meditation has indeed proven to be a libido-boosting exercise by several studies and research. Meditation helps calms the mind, fight stress and anxiety caused by various lifestyle stressors that can negatively impact your sex drive [1]. Let’s delve further and see how exactly can meditation help make your bedroom experience fun!

Meditation May Help Boost Sex Drive Hormones

Dehydroepiandrosterone or DHEA is one of the most important factors that influence the sex drive in both men and women. The levels of this hormone keep dropping with each passing year, starting at the age of 25. With the stoop in the levels of DHEA, male and female sex hormones (testosterone and estrogen)also begin to deplete. This marks the beginning of low sex drive and a dying sex life. Studies have found meditation to be a safe and effective solution to this problem. It’s seen that regular meditation can spike up the levels of meditation by nearly 40% which in turn keeps the other sex hormones in check keeping the levels of your libido high [2].

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Meditation Gives You an Energy Boost

It’s a no-brainer that all your desires to have fun are lost if you are exhausted or too tired. Even if you do decide to go with the flow, you may not be able to perform well or enjoy the act as you normally would. Therefore, it is essential that you are energetic in order to enjoy your lovemaking experience. Meditation after a hectic day can help relax your mind and make you feel rejuvenated [3] which in turn can help you have a good time in bed.

Meditation Tackles Distraction

Human sexual arousal depends on two essential aspects – physiological and psychological. Distraction from the start can be a barrier between you and pleasure, while distraction in the middle of the act can be frustrating for both you and your partner. Often these distractions are caused due to stress, performance pressure or may be due to other mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression. Mindful meditation has been found to not only improve the psychological distractions, but also improve your sexual experience [4].

Meditation can Help Improve Your Relationship Wellbeing

People in a healthy relationship enjoy an exciting sex life, and an exciting sex life keeps a relationship healthy. The application and benefits of meditation here are indirect, but definitely effective. Mindfulness can help you observe your thoughts and evaluate them before reacting. This can save you a number of unnecessary arguments and conflicts that may have a negative impact on your relationship and in turn, your sex life. Those who practice meditation have found to be less stressed and happier in their relationships [5].

This article is reviewed by Suchitra Marwah


Dr. Pawan Kumar Sharma

Dr. Pawan Kumar Sharma is an adept medical professional with an M.D in Ayurveda from Gujrat Ayurveda University where he was the university topper of his batch. In his B.A.M.S years in the renowned Devi Ahilya University, Indore, Dr Sharma was awarded two gold medals for his academics.

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