Managing PMS with Ayurveda

Managing PMS with Ayurveda

PMS or premenstrual syndrome is a group of symptoms that is experienced by 20% of the female population who are within reproductive age. The symptoms include behavioral and physical changes like mood swings, irritability, anxiety, tender breasts, bloating, abdominal and back pain, nausea, etc. 

While the symptoms can be mild, moderate or severe depending on the person, it is important to understand how differently PMS and menstruation is perceived.

The Ayurvedic perception of PMS 

While Ayurveda perceives menstruation as an important medium of bodily detox, it also explains how symptoms experienced right before the onset of menstrual flow can be severe and therefore managing them right will ensure an obstacle-free menstrual journey.

Ayurveda says Dosha imbalance is involved in causing PMS symptoms. 

Doshas, translating to that which can cause problems, is believed to be the fundamental substances present in individual bodies that can fluctuate and thus determine the changes in growth, age, disorders, and proper bodily functions.

The Kapha corresponding to water & earth, Pitta corresponding to fire and water, and Vata corresponding to space and air, are all governed by the respective elements. An imbalance caused by the respective energies of water & earth, fire, and air, is therefore involved in triggering the signs and symptoms of PMS.

However, the emphasis on the signs and symptoms stays with Apana Vata, one of the sub-Doshas of Vata. Situated in the lower pelvic region, it is responsible for the elimination of menstrual blood, stools, and urine.

The increase in Apana Vata results in symptoms like disturbed digestion, headache, bloating, etc. Apana Vata also aggravates the Prana Vata which is located in the head and brain and is connected to mood swings and behavioral disorders.  Therefore, managing PMS with Ayurveda ensures that menstruation is regulated every step of the way and that all the doshas are balanced.

Causes of PMS

Premenstrual syndrome may be caused by several conditions, but the exact reason is unknown. These include:

1. Changes in Hormonal Cycle: Premenstrual syndrome symptoms and signs vary with hormonal changes and go away, like throughout pregnancy and menopause.

2. Brain chemistry changes: PMS symptoms may be brought on by variations in serotonin levels, a neurotransmitter that is believed to be essential for mood states. Premenstrual depression, exhaustion, food cravings, and sleep issues can all be caused by low serotonin levels.

3. Depression: While not all of the symptoms of severe premenstrual syndrome are caused by depression, some women with the condition have untreated depression.

Signs and Symptoms of PMS 

PMS occurs right before the onset of periods. This happens because of the hormonal imbalance that governs menstruation. This in turn causes specific effects on our body that lead to physical and behavioural changes.

These symptoms may include:

  • Changes in appetite
  • Weight gain
  • Abdominal pain
  • Back pain
  • Lower back pain
  • Headache
  • Swelling and tenderness in the breasts 
  • Nausea
  • Constipation 

Managing PMS

There are plenty of ways to manage PMS through Ayurveda and natural healing. Let us explore how managing PMS means both, preventing the signs and symptoms if they are recurrent, and also curing symptoms if they reach a point of severity.

1. With a Healthy Body 

The Ayurvedic principle of maintaining a healthy body emphasizes that regular exercise and yoga practice enable the body to cope with hormonal changes that occur every month. This promotes an active and healthy lifestyle. Depending on your daily routine, and work schedule, you can opt for various Yoga poses like:

This pose helps relieve strain on the thighs, back, shoulder, and hip and helps alleviate pain.

The cat pose helps relieve tension in the shoulders and stretches the back, torso as well as neck.

  • Baddha Konasana (IMAGE)

The butterfly pose stimulates and improves the function of the reproductive system, and helps in regulating menstruation.

This pose ensures overall body relaxation and lets your mind surrender to peace. 

This pose helps relax the body and standing up and bending forward helps relieve anxiety and mood swings.

While regular exercise and yoga help prevent PMS, severe signs and symptoms after the onset of PMS are difficult to curb.

Therefore, even simple Pranayama helps relax the body and enable stress alleviation.

2. With Proper Nourishment 

Appropriate nourishment of the body, termed as Ahaar in Ayurveda, enhances body immunity with various herbs that help alleviate the various PMS symptoms.

  • Ashoka 

The Ashoka tree is an ancient, sacred tree most revered in Ayurveda for various medicinal and healing purposes. With components like tannins, catechols, flavonoids, glucosides, and other calcium compounds, the bark of Ashoka helps resolve menstrual disorders like irregular periods and also ensures relief from abdominal pain and other spasms. 

Consumption: Consume Ashoka powder by boiling it in milk twice a day after meals for spasm relief.

  • Lodhra 

Containing essential alkaloids and glycosides, Lodhra helps regulate menstrual flow, reduces inflammation in the uterus, and relieves depression.  Lodhra is also a powerful Ayurvedic ingredient in treating PCOD.

Consumption: in the form of syrup or powder. 

  • Gokhru 

Enriched with key vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, and proteins, Gokhru’s root and fruit are both helpful in treating many diseases.

It helps in hormonal balancing and provides relief from premenstrual symtoms.

Consumption: Can be consumed in capsule, powder, or tablet form, with universal health benefits.

  • Trikatu 

Trikatu which is a mixture of black pepper, pippali, and ginger powders is the efficient combination that balances the Agni. An imbalance in Agni causes skipped periods and water retention that leads to tender breasts, nausea and lethargy.

Consumption: Trikatu supplements help release toxins from the body and give strength to the reproductive system.

  • Dashamoola 

Dashamoola is recommended to be used to regulate the Vata imbalance. This leads to extremely painful periods characterized by lower back and abdominal pain, bloating, anxiety and insomnia.

Consumption: Dashamoola tea enables pain relief and ensures a smoother menstrual journey.

3. With Positive Thinking 

Positive thinking, termed as Vichaar in Ayurveda, vouchs for positive mindfulness.

Managing PMS with Ayurveda means imbibing the most important aspect of Ayurveda – positive thinking – in the form of meditation and manifestation. This goes a long way in ensuring balanced mental and emotional wellness. In today’s world of leading women, working several jobs, and managing home and work life impeccably well, a positive impact on one’s life with manifestations becomes necessary.

Identifying the root cause of your stress and initiating everyday breath-regulating exercises, jotting down manifestations on paper, and reading them every day, enables a positive effect on one’s mind and promises a better day ahead.

Lifestyle Modifications for PMS I Lifestyle Modifications to Manage PMS

Managing PMS requires effort. However, the symptoms of PMS can make you feel as though you lack the resilience to deal. Integrating beneficial tactics into your everyday routine is crucial. Get enough sleep at night and maintain an active lifestyle throughout the day. Give yourself some time to unwind. Additionally, don’t hesitate to seek assistance.

  • Being active: Your body produces more oxygen while you are active. You feel better and have more energy as a result of this. Serotonin levels may also rise with exercise. For optimal outcomes:
  • Put leafy greens first: For additional nutrients, you should eat foods that range in color and type from the rainbow. Rich in iron and B vitamins, vegetables such as Swiss chard, kale, and turnip greens can help prevent weariness.
  • Cut back on caffeine: Caffeine overindulgence can also interfere with sleep and exacerbate PMS symptoms. Aim for four to six hours after your last cup of coffee before turning in for the night.

Try engaging in aerobic exercises like yoga, riding, swimming, walking, or jogging.

Prevention of PMS

Although PMS cannot be prevented, its symptoms can be controlled with medicine, a change in lifestyle, or a combination of the two.


While prevention is better than cure, a lot of factors like lifestyle, over-consumption of junk food, intermittently active sexual life, stress, etc. can still impact how long the menstrual cycle lasts and thus the causative factors of a mild or severe PMS may differ. Managing PMS with Ayurveda, and tracking your menstrual cycle every month can ensure a regular, hassle-free period. 

It is therefore advisable to switch to the Ayurvedic lifestyle to ensure a healthier, nourished, active, and stronger body.


  1. How does PMS affect daily life?

PMS can affect daily life as you will feel pains in your body including abdominal pain, headaches, migraines, backache, and swollen tender breasts. You might also find you are more irritable, nervous, or depressed. You might have mood swings and difficulty sleeping.

2. How can I prevent premenstrual syndrome?

You can reduce the chances of PMS by: 

  • Engaging in regular exercise three to five times a week.
  • Consuming a diet rich in variety. 
  • Eating less salt, sugar, caffeine, and alcohol and more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
  • Making time to rest and sleep enough.
  • Avoid smoking.

3. How do you manage PMS symptoms?

To lessen bloating and fluid retention, limit your intake of salt and salty meals. Select meals high in whole grains, fruits, and vegetables that are high in complex carbs. Select calcium-rich foods. A daily calcium supplement may be helpful if you are intolerant to dairy products or if your diet isn’t providing enough calcium.


  1. Premenstrual Syndrome
  2. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors for premenstrual syndrome
  3. Downloadable link – Ayurvedic Perspective of PMS and lifestyle modification
  4. A critical review of Apana Vayu in modern perspective
  5. A Case report on effective management of PMS with Ayurveda
  6. To compare the effects of aerobic exercise and yoga on Premenstrual syndrome
  7. Case report: The use of medical yoga for adolescent mental health
  8. Effect of integrated approach of yoga and naturopathy on polycystic ovarian syndrome: A case study
  9. Differences in skeletal growth pattern of yoga practising adolescent girls: A cross-sectional study
  10. Reproductive biology and breeding system of Saraca asoca (Roxb.) De Wilde: a vulnerable medicinal plant
  11. Hepatoprotective activity of Symplocos racemosa bark on carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatic damage in rats
  12. Gokhru (tribulus terrestris and pedalium murex): medicinal importance of chota gokhru and bada gokhru in ayurveda and modern science
  13. Ayurvedic intervention in the management of uterine fibroids: A Case series
  14. Efficacy of dashamula
  15. Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction as a Promising Intervention for Amelioration of Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder Symptoms
  16. A Single Case Study on Menstrual Disorder and with Yoga Therapy

Easy Yoga asanas for Premenstrual Syndrome [PMS] Pain and Discomfort (Download Ebook)

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Dr. Ashwini Konnur

Dr. Ashwini has 17 years of experience in Clinical Practice, Research & Education in the field of Ayurveda with competency in acute & chronic conditions & lifestyle diseases. She has also expertise in treating Female Infertility disorders, other Gynecological Problems & General disorders along with specialised focus in Ayurvedic detoxification therapies, Panchakarma & other Ayurvedic treatments

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