Does Rice Water Really Smoothen Hair?

Reviewed By Experts

Rice Water for Hair 10 Benefits and How to Use it 1 1

The practice of using fermented rice water to wash or rinse hair is quite ancient and is believed to have originated in Japan, where the secret of long tresses of the women was attributed to the use of rice water. The magical qualities of rice water are said to be due to the presence of inositol, which is a nutrient that strengthens the hair from within. In India, too, rice water or “kanji” has been extensively used as a popular Ayurvedic remedy for eczema. Rice bran, too, is known to enhance the growth of hair.

Benefits of Rice Water for Hair

Including rice water in your hair care routine can produce positive outcomes.

1. Helps detangle hair

Amino acids and proteins in rice water form a protective layer around the hair. They make it easier to comb through knots and tangles. It can reduce hair breakage during the detangling process. [1]

2. Adds smoothness to the hair

The starch in rice water acts as a smoothing agent for the hair cuticles. When applied, it helps flatten and close the cuticle layer for smoother and silkier hair. Smooth cuticles help enhance the aesthetic appeal of the hair. [1]

3. Promotes shine

Rice water contains vitamins and antioxidants that promote a natural shine in the hair. Regular use can enhance the reflective properties of the hair to give it a glossy and vibrant appearance. [1]

4. Adds strength to the hair 

The proteins found in rice water help strengthen hair strands from within. Regular application can help reduce hair breakage and split ends and promote hair strength. [1]

5. Promotes longer hair growth

The vitamins and minerals in rice water nourish the hair follicles to create a healthier environment for hair growth. Additionally, the strengthening effect of rice water can prevent premature hair breakage. [1]

How to Prepare Rice Water?

To prepare rice water, all you need is 1 cup of rice and 1 cup of water. 

  1. The first step is to get rid of any dirt or impurities that may be present in the rice. To achieve this, you may rinse and strain your rice.
  2. Combine the strained rice with water in a medium-sized bowl. You should mix the combination until the water turns a tad cloudy.
  3. Strain the rice again. This time, however, reserve the water. Store the rice for later use or cook it up.
  4. Pour the rice water into a container and cover it. Let this rice water sit at room temperature for 12-24 hours. This helps in the process of fermentation, wherein all the useful vitamins and minerals come out. There is a word of caution though: do not let the water sit for more than 24 hours because it will go bad. So, do not forget to take it along with you into the shower.
  5. Refrigerate the fermented rice water until you are ready to use it for your hair.
  6. Fill a small container, such as a travel-sized bottle of shampoo or a small jar, with the rice water for successful application. You can store the rest in your refrigerator.

It’s not an easy task to blindly pour rice water from a large container onto your hair. Just make sure that you do not forget to take the container that contains the rice water out of the shower and back to the refrigerator after you are done.

The rice water can be kept in the refrigerator for nearly a week; therefore, you have ample time to reap its fantastic hair benefits.

How to Use Rice Water?

You need not change your hair-washing schedule because of the rice-water rinse. You can simply use the rice water after shampooing and conditioning, which could be once every day or 2-3 times a week. 

When applying fermented rice water, focus on the scalp and then work your way out. Let it sit for approximately 2-5 minutes before rinsing it all off. You may probably notice immediately the strength and thickness imparted to your hair.

How often should rice water be used?

Here are a few points to consider when using rice water for your hair.

  1. Rice water can offer numerous benefits to your hair. Still, the frequency of its use depends on individual hair types and preferences. 
  2. Including rice water in your hair care routine, 1 to 2 times per week is suitable.
  3. However, your hair’s specific needs, the condition of your scalp, and how your hair responds to the treatment can influence the ideal frequency.
  4. For those with damaged and dry hair, using rice water once a week may provide adequate nourishment without causing overhydration. 
  5. On the other hand, individuals with oily scalp conditions might find it beneficial to use rice water twice a week to help balance oil production.
  6. Consider adjusting the frequency if you notice any signs of overuse, like excessive dryness or product buildup.

Side effects of using rice water for hair

While rice water is generally beneficial for hair, knowing the following potential side effects is crucial.

1. Protein overload

Rice water is rich in proteins, and using it too frequently or leaving it on the hair for extended periods may lead to protein overload. Excessive protein will make the hair brittle and prone to breakage. [1]

2. Dryness or buildup

Using rice water too often without proper rinsing or combining it with other treatments can lead to dryness or product buildup. Ensure thorough rinsing to prevent residues that may accumulate on the hair shaft and scalp. [1]

3. Scalp irritation

Some individuals may experience irritation on the scalp when using rice water. It can be due to sensitivity or an allergic reaction. Before incorporating rice water into your routine, conduct a patch test to monitor adverse reactions. [1]

4. Odor concerns

Fermented rice water, a popular variation, may have a distinct smell that not everyone finds pleasant. While the scent typically disappears after rinsing, those sensitive to odors may not like it. [1]

On a Final Note:

Using fermented rice water to rinse your hair is probably one of the most noticeable and efficient DIY beauty solutions that exist. Just make sure that you do not forget to take the rice water along with you into the shower. 


1. What are rice water benefits for hair?

Rice water offers several benefits for hair, including detangling, smoother texture, increased shine, strengthened strands, and support for long hair growth. [1]

2. How to prepare rice water for hair?

To prepare rice water for hair, rinse 1/2 cup of rice and soak it in 2 cups of water for 15–30 minutes. Next, strain the liquid and use the collected rice water for your hair care routine.

3. How to use rice water for hair?

Apply it to your hair and scalp after shampooing, massage gently, leave it on for 5–20 minutes, and rinse thoroughly with water. Decide the frequency depending on your hair’s needs and observe for any potential effects.

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for general information and not meant to substitute any medical advice. Please consult your doctor for appropriate medical consultation.


  1. Rice water for hair: Is it the miracle social media claims?

Dr. Jyoti Lakhani

Dr. Jyoti has 15 years of experience in Clinical Practice, Research & Education in the field of Ayurveda with competency in acute & chronic conditions like Arthritis, Spondylitis, Osteoporosis, Sciatica etc. She has also expertise in treating Female Infertility disorders, other Gynecological Problems & General disorders.

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