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Discover the Incredible Health Benefits Of Jimikand

Jimikand, also known as Suran or elephant foot yam, is a nutritious tuber vegetable that is a staple in many Indian and Asian diets....

Summer Aphrodisiacs: Foods and Herbs to Spice Up Your Love Life

Summer's vibrant energy can ignite passion as well. While the term "aphrodisiac" (derived from the Greek goddess Aphrodite, associated with love and beauty) often...

10 Refreshing Beverages to Beat the Summer Heat

Summer is all about enjoying some chilled juice and beverages. In this article, we'll explore the 10 refreshing beverages that are an excellent choice...

The History of Chyawanprash in Health Care

Today, the global nutraceutical market is a multi-billion-dollar industry and the popularity of nutritional and herbal supplements has exploded. Chyawanprash, the traditional Ayurvedic formulation...

Beyond Beauty: The Many Benefits of Arjuna for Your Health

Certain Ayurvedic plants and herbs are so popular that almost everyone knows their names. One such herb is Arjuna. Owing to the many health...

Healthy and Delicious Drumstick Recipes

Drumsticks are used to prepare a wide range of tasty as well as healthy recipes throughout India, using simple ingredients that you can easily...

Raw Food VS Cooked Food: What Ayurveda Says

The word ‘Ayurveda’ is Sanskrit for ‘The Science of Life’. It is a holistic approach to life and is one of the oldest healthcare...

Tulsi Berry Tea For Enhanced Immunity

  शुद्धतायाः रक्षणस्य च प्रतीकः पवित्रः वनस्पतिः तुलसी चिकित्सायाः, भक्तिस्य च कथाः कुहूकुहू करोति Tulsi, the sacred plant, a symbol of purity and protection, whispers stories...

Best Time to Eat Dry Fruits

Reviewed By Experts Can you even imagine your bowl of halwa or your cakes and muffins without dry fruits? Dry fruits add richness to your fond...




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