Chitrakadi Vati: Benefits, Uses, Dosage, Side Effects & More

Reviewed By Experts

chitrakadi vati herb

Bitter medicines often are the most effective! Chitrakadi Vati is one such ayurvedic medicine we are going to talk about, in this blog.

Chitrakadi Vati is a traditional Ayurvedic herbal formulation used for centuries in India. Known for its pungent taste, Chitraka stimulates digestive fire, promoting efficient digestion and metabolism. The formulation also typically includes ingredients like ginger, black pepper, long pepper, and rock salt, each contributing to its digestive prowess. 

It combines herbs such as Katu rasa, Laghu, Tikshana Guna, Usna Virya, and Katu Vipaka, with the primary ingredient being Chitraka (Plumbago zeylanica). Chitrakadi Vati is commonly used to alleviate digestive issues such as indigestion, bloating, gas, and abdominal discomfort. Its carminative properties help to expel gas from the intestines, providing relief from discomfort and promoting overall gastrointestinal health. 

This formulation is believed to offer several potential health benefits and is commonly used to support digestive health, stimulate appetite, enhance metabolism, and promote overall well-being. 

In the Indian Ayurvedic sciences, it is mentioned that the physiochemical properties of Chirakadi Vati make it work at various levels. 

The Chitrakadi Vati uses in Hindi are at the level of Dosha, the level of Dushya, Srotas, Grahani Rupa, the level of Agni, and the Ama level. It is often utilized in Ayurvedic practices to kindle Agni, the digestive fire, essential for optimal nutrient absorption and elimination of toxins. 

 [1] In this article, we will study the Chitrakadi Vati benefits in Hindi, Chitrakadi Vati uses, Chitrakadi Vati benefits, dosage, side effects, and more regarding Chitrakadi Vati.

Chitrakadi Vati Ingredients

Main Ingredients of Chitrakadi Vati are as follows: [1]

  1. Chitraka, Scientific Name: Plumbago zeylanica, commonly known as Ceylon leadwort, doctorbush or wild leadwort
  2. Pippali Moola, commonly known as long pepper root
  3. Yava Kshara, an alkali preparation made of whole plant of barley
  4. Sarjika Kshara, commonly known as Castor Bean
  5. Sauvarchala Lavana, commonly known as Kala Namak or Black Salt
  6. Saindhava Lavana, a type of rock salt
  7. Vida Lavana, a type of salt which is prepared artificially from animal waste
  8. Samudra Lavana, commonly known as sea salt
  9. Audbhida Lavana, a type of salt prepared from alkaline soil
  10. Shunthi, which is ayurvedic name for ginger, known as adrak in hindi
  11. Maricha, commonly known as black pepper or kali mirch
  12. Pippali, commonly known as long pepper
  13. Hingu, scientific name Ferula Asafoetida
  14. Ajamoda, commonly known as Ajwain
  15. Chavya, scientific name Piper Retrofractum
  16. Matulunga Rasayana, An ayurvedic herb blend that relieves indigestion
  17. Dadima Rasayana, An ayurvedic blend prepared from Pomegranate

Benefits and uses of Chitrakadi Vati

Chitrakadi Vati benefits in Hindi are immense, some of which include:

1. As a booster of Digestive Health:

Chitrakadi Vati is primarily used to support digestive health. It is believed to stimulate digestion, enhance appetite, and alleviate digestive issues such as indigestion, bloating, flatulence, gaseous cramps, and abdominal discomfort. [4]

2. As a Laxative:

Chitrakadi Vati also includes its presence in treating constipation as it is a good laxative. [2]

3. For Metabolism Enhancement and as an Antacid:

Among the several Chitrakadi Vati uses is its ability to promote the metabolic processes in the body, helping to improve the efficiency of nutrient absorption and utilization. It also alleviates the sensation of burning and acts as a powerful antacid.[3]

4. As a Kapha-Vata Hara Decoction:

Out of the 17 main ingredients of Chitrakadi Vati, ‘karma’ of 15 major ingredients (except Sarjika Kshara and Saindhav Lavana) are Kapha-Vata hara. Saindhav Lavana has a Tridoshhara karma which signifies that it can help with all three imbalances of Ayurveda, namely Kapha, Vata, Pitta. This implies that Chitrakadi Vati itself has a tendency of balancing Kapha and Vata dosha, while also helping in balancing Pitta dosha a little. It is indeed a magical elixir made of rare jadi-bootis found in the lap of nature.[1]

5. As a tonic for various ailments:

It  is  widely  used  for  the treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Rheumatoid Arthritis. Due to its high anti-oxidant activity, it is believed to be therapeutic.[5]

6. Helps in managing vomiting:

It helps manage vomiting by improving digestion and reducing Ama (toxins) in the body. The carminative and appetizing properties of the ingredients like Chitraka and Ajamoda help alleviate nausea and vomiting. Take 1-2 tablets as soon as vomiting occurs with warm water.

7. Helps in treating diarrhea:

Chitrakadi Vati is also effective in treating diarrhea. Its Grahi (astringent) properties help reduce excessive secretion and peristalsis in the intestines, thereby managing diarrhea. Take 1-2 tablets after meals with water to regulate bowel movements and alleviate diarrhea symptoms.

8. Helps in managing inflammation:

The anti-inflammatory properties of the herbs like Chitraka and Guduchi in Chitrakadi Vati help reduce inflammation in the body. It is commonly used to manage conditions like rheumatoid arthritis. Take 1-2 tablets twice daily with warm water to reduce inflammation and ease discomfort.

9. Helps in ovulation:

While there is no direct evidence on Chitrakadi Vati’s role in ovulation, its ability to balance the Vata and Kapha doshas may indirectly support reproductive health. Take 1-2 tablets daily with warm water to support reproductive health and hormonal balance.

10. Helps in managing cholesterol levels:

Chitrakadi Vati has not been shown to directly manage cholesterol levels. However, its ability to improve digestion and metabolism may have a positive impact on lipid profiles over time. Take 1-2 tablets daily with warm water to help regulate cholesterol levels.

Ideal dosage of the Chitrakadi Vati

The dosage of Chitrakadi Vati can vary depending on the person, age, severity, and condition of the patient, as well as the specific condition being addressed. It is typically recommended to take 1-2 tablets (250-500 mg) twice daily after lunch and dinner. Moreover, the maximum dosage of this formulation should not exceed 2000 mg in a day and should be based on a person’s weight and health condition. [4]

Dosage recommended for adults (To be taken only upon and as prescription by medical practitioners):

2 Tablets/Day (each tablet 250mg). 

Time of Administration of Drug: After lunch and dinner.

Anupana (What to drink after taking Chitrakadi Vati): Lukewarm water / Buttermilk

Potential side effects of Chitrakadi Vati

  1. Chitrakadi Vati shouldn’t be used to treat Pitta disorders

If a person has Kapha-Vata-Pitta imbalances, they can use Chitrakadi Vati. However, if a person is only struggling with Pitta disorders, their conditions might get worse on indulging with Chitrakadi Vati’s usage. In case, a person with Pitta disorder intake Chitrakadi Vati, they may experience hyperacidity, heartburn, burning sensation in the abdomen and a burning sensation during bowel movements.[4]

  1. Chitrakadi Vati isn’t recommended at all to Pregnant women, in any case. It is strictly forbidden from being used during pregnancy or breast-feeding as it can cause abnormalities or birth defects in the growing foetus or the medicine can get passed through breast milk to the new born and can cause severe health problems. Thus, in any case, any condition, pregnant women or new mothers shouldn’t take Chitrakadi Vati.[4]
  1. Overindulgence of Chitrakadi Vati might cause some health issues. Since Chitrakadi Gutika has four different types of salt, so in case of overdosage, the higher salt content in it may lead to high blood pressure, diabetes insipidus, gastritis, and hypernatremia.[4]
  1. Children shouldn’t consume Chitrakadi Vati, as it may result in methaemoglobinemia after reacting with foetal haemoglobin.[4]

Precautions To Follow while consuming Chitrakadi Vati

According to studies, certain categories of people should refrain from using the Chitrakadi Vati as it may lead to adverse effects. Some of them include:

1. Pregnant or lactating mothers

The use of Chitrakadi Vati during pregnancy and breastfeeding is not advised in most cases.

2. Past history of gastrointestinal surgery

Individuals with severe gastrointestinal disorders, ulcers, or other gastric problems should use Chitrakadi Vati cautiously or avoid it altogether, as it may exacerbate these conditions.

3. Allergies

Individuals with known allergies to Chitrakadi Vati’s ingredients should avoid its use.

4. Patients diagnosed with chronic diseases

Patients who are already diagnosed with cardiovascular diseases, cancer, chronic respiratory diseases, diabetes, or chronic orthopedic conditions should avoid the use of Chitrakadi Vati. [3]

From where can you buy Chitrakadi Vati and its Prices

Product NameStores / Online ShopsPrice per Unit
Baidyanath (Nagpur) Chitrakadi Bati Tablet1mg₹69.6/-
Vyas Chitrakadi Vati1mg₹42/-
Dabur Chitrakadi Gutika1mg₹68/-
Patanjali Divya Chitrakadi VatiApollo Pharmacy₹60/-
Patanjali Divya Chitrakadi VatiAmazon3 packs for ₹165/-
Baidyanath Chitrakadi Vati TabletAmazon₹73/-
Dabur Chitrakadi GutikaNetmeds₹68/-


1. How can one use Chitrakadi Vati?

Chitrakadi Vati is most commonly used in the form of an extract as well as Chitrakadi gutika, which is an herbal pill.

2. Is Chitrakadi Vati beneficial for the liver?

Yes, Chitrakadi Vati plays a significant role in helping with liver anomalies. Researchers believe that consuming this pill and buttermilk helps manage non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. It does this by retreating the fatty infiltration of the liver to an average level.

3. Can a diabetic person consume Chitrakadi Vati?

Yes, even people with diabetes can consume this formulation. However, they should first consult their medical practitioner about it. It is also advisable to inform your ayurvedic doctor or general physician about the other medicines taken daily to avert counter-indications.

4. For how long can I take Chitrakadi Vati?

Chitrakadi Vati can be taken for as long as symptoms persist or as directed by a physician, typically 1-2 tablets twice a day with buttermilk or warm water.

5. Does Chitrakadi Vati help with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)?

Yes, Chitrakadi Vati can help with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) by improving digestion, reducing symptoms like abdominal pain, bloating, gas, and constipation.


Chitrakadi Vati is an Ayurvedic herbal formulation commonly used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine to address various ailments and promote overall wellness. In this article, we have given the readers a detailed overview of the Chitrakadi Vati benefits, chitrakadi vati uses in Hindi, potential side effects, and precautions to be taken where Chitrakadi Vati is concerned. By considering individual health circumstances, individuals can make informed decisions regarding using Chitrakadi Vati to support their overall well-being.


This article is written from a health and wellness perspective and is not medical advice. Kindly seek the help of a certified medical practitioner before initiating any treatment. The feature image is a creative representation only.


  1. Role of Chitrakadi Vati in Grahani Roga
  2. Evaluation of laxative activity of Chitrakadi Vati, An ayurvedic formulation, in rats
  3. Effectiveness of Ayurveda treatment in Urdhwaga Amlapitta: A clinical evaluation
  4. Take 1-2 tablets (upto 2gms) before meals with warm water to stimulate digestion.
  5.  Known for its pungent taste, Chitraka stimulates digestive fire, promoting efficient digestion and metabolism. (
  6. It is typically recommended to take 1-2 tablets (250-500 mg) twice daily after lunch and dinner. (
  7. Chitrakadi Vati is also effective in treating diarrhea. Its Grahi (astringent) properties help reduce excessive secretion and peristalsis in the intestines, thereby managing diarrhea. (

Dr. Shankar Rao

Dr. Rao has achieved great success in his career, with 5 research projects and 4 books to his credit, as well as a Monograph. In addition to receiving the Bharat Scout & Guide Award from the President of India, Dr Rao has also won the Young Scientist Award from S.V. University, Tirupati.

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