12 Proven Benefits of Wheatgrass for Overall Health

12 Proven Benefits of Wheatgrass for Overall Health

Wheatgrass or Triticum aestivium, is a nutraceutical or a type of food that provides an array of health and medical benefits, including the prevention and treatment of various diseases.

It has been categorized as a functional food due to its high nutritional content, which includes a good amount of chlorophyll and flavonoids. It is packed with vitamins A, B, C, and E and minerals like zinc, iron, calcium, and magnesium.

This article will explore 12 proven benefits of wheatgrass that make it a powerful addition to any diet. Irrespective of the form it is consumed in, the wheatgrass powder benefits or the wheatgrass juice benefits cannot be denied in supporting overall health and well-being.

What is Wheatgrass?

To answer the question, ‘What is wheatgrass?’, It is essential to know about nutraceuticals. These are types of foods or food products that boast immense health benefits. As a type of nutraceutical, these young leaves of the wheat plant can prevent chronic diseases, delay aging, improve health, and increase life expectancy. The herb is commonly found in India and can be easily grown in small pots and trays in individual households to enjoy the wheatgrass powder benefits or wheatgrass juice benefits at no additional cost. [1]

Some Facts about Wheatgrass [2][3]

  1. Studies suggest that wheatgrass juice has a powerful ability to fight tumors without the usual toxicity of drugs that also exhibit cell-destroying agents.
  2. Wheatgrass juice has a short shelf life.
  3. The nutritional properties of wheatgrass vary with seasons and different varieties.
  4. Wheatgrass has played a significant role as a herbal medicine for treating ailments such as thalassemia and myelodysplastic syndrome.
  5. Wheatgrass therapy is recommended for patients with certain chronic disorders like diabetes, asthma, obesity, atherosclerosis, eczema, Parkinson’s disease, insomnia, joint pains, constipation, bronchitis, flatulence, hypertension, and hemorrhage.
  6. It is also effective for treating migraine, ear diseases, reproductive organs, and gangrene 

But first, we’ll take a look at the nutritional value we can derive from wheatgrass in different forms.

How to Consume Wheatgrass [3]

Wheatgrass is a legendary food loaded with all the vitamins and minerals necessary for proper nutrition. Wheatgrass can be consumed in these ways:

  1. As wheatgrass juice
  2. In the form of wheatgrass powder
  3. Wheatgrass extract
  4. Wheatgrass capsules

It is also used as a food supplement in the form of tablets, frozen turf water, and herbal food capsules. In both of these forms, wheatgrass has various nutritional benefits. 

Nutritional Value of Wheatgrass

In this section, we are bringing you the nutritional value of wheatgrass.

Nutritional Value of Wheatgrass Juice: [2]

Wheatgrass juice is essentially rich in chlorophyll and rids our bodies of toxins accumulated over time. Wheatgrass juice has phenolic content comparable to the phenolic content of orange and mandarin juices. It is also super rich in flavonoids like catechin, epicatechin, rutin, quercetin, isoquercetin, apigenin-7-glucoside, apigenin, vitexin, isovitexin, kaempferol, luteolin, pyrogallol and chrysin. Here’s a table to acquaint you with the quantity of formidable content present in wheatgrass juice:

Phenolic Compounds (932-983 mg/l)Quantity
Sinapic Acid27.98 µg/ml
Protocatechuic Acid22.34 µg/ml
Caffeic Acid12.04 µg/ml
Rosmarinic Acid11.32 µg/ml
Epicatechin2.24 µg/ml
Syringic acid1.78 µg/ml
Isoquercetin1.62 µg/ml
Catechin341.1 µg/ml
Ferulic Acid92.8 µg/ml

Now, let’s talk about the wheatgrass powder.

Nutritional Value of Wheatgrass Powder: [4]

From 1 kg of wheatgrass, 100 g of wheatgrass powder can be obtained. The protein content of 100 g wheatgrass powder is 25 g. It is a complete protein, containing over 20 essential and non-essential amino acids.

Nutrient CompositionPer 2 g servingPer 100 g serving
Moisture0.13 g6.3 g
Protein0.50 g25 g
Fat0.02 g0.9 g
Carbohydrates0.67 g33 g
Mineral Ash0.10 g4.8 g
Fiber0.6 g30 g
Vitamin1.26 mg63 mg
Calcium1.48 mg73.8 mg
Iron1.04 mg52 mg
Chlorophyll10.27 mg513.50 mg

12 Proven Benefits of Wheatgrass

Wheatgrass can be consumed in various ways, such as juice, powder form, and several others, and is widely used in medicines to treat ailments ranging from diabetes to cancer. They are rich in various nutrients and have antibacterial, anti-hyperglycemic, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties. [5][6]

Here are some of the most essential wheatgrass benefits.

1. Serves as a detoxifying agent

Wheatgrass has individual therapeutic benefits, and it also works as a popular and effective detoxifying agent. [9]

2. Increase hemoglobin levels

One of the benefits of wheatgrass juice is its ability to increase the hemoglobin level in different types of anemic patients, as has been seen in folk and Ayurvedic medicine. [9]

3. Treatment of cancer

Wheatgrass is an antioxidant and general detoxifier that helps treat various diseases, including many types of cancer. Tests have proven that wheatgrass works against lipid peroxidation and thus decreases oxidative stress. [8]

4. Works on kidney-related ailments

Yet another of the several wheatgrass juice benefits is its effect on stones, inflammation of the urinary bladder, and inflammation of the kidneys. [9]

5. For treating reproductive organs

Wheatgrass juice benefits conditions like sexual debility and dysmenorrhea and cures them. [9]

6. Protects the liver against Alcohol

Studies have proven that wheatgrass benefits include protecting the liver against alcohol and PUFA-induced oxidative stress. [7]

7. Aids in cases of obesity and ulcerative colitis

Wheatgrass juice also works wonders when treating ulcerative colitis with no severe side effects. It works exceptionally well in patients with active left colon ulcerative colitis. [9]

8. Works as an anti-asthmatic and anti-allergic agent

Being a rich source of vitamins and antioxidants, wheatgrass juice has many benefits. They have been proven to help lower asthmatic symptoms and increase lung function. [9]

9. Remedy for teeth and gum complaints

Wheatgrass is effective for various teeth and gum problems. [9]

10. Works for joint pains

Wheatgrass is very effective in treating joint pain and conditions such as swelling, pain, osteoarthritis, bone rotting, and several others. [9]

11. Good for skin disease

Wheatgrass extract comprises topical anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory substances that have a range of healing properties. [9]

12. Relieves ear pain

Yet another of the several benefits of wheatgrass juice is that it relieves ear pain and cures the problem of septic discharge from the ear by consuming it orally and dropping some into the ear. [9]

Recommended Dosage of Wheatgrass [10]

Different dosages of wheatgrass tablets, wheatgrass juice, and powders are recommended for individuals struggling with different diseases. Here is a table to showcase that information:

DiseaseDosageExpected Outcome [as per previous studies]
Thalassemia Major ChildrenWheatgrass tablets→2-3 tablets for children aged 1-3 years, 6-8 tablets/day in divided doses for children aged 4-8 years & above 8 years respectivelyIncreased Hb level, increasedinterval between blood transfusions, decreased requirement of blood in transfusions.
Thalassemia Major100 ml of wheatgrass juicedaily extracted from 5-6‖tall plant fed up to 6months in human beingsWheatgrass juice had a beneficial effect on transfusion requirements in 50% of patients with B-thalassemia major.
Breast Cancer Patients16 ml of wheatgrass juicedaily during the first 3 cycles of chemotherapyReduced myelotoxicity anddose of chemotherapy.
Severe Rheumatoid ArthritisFermented wheatgrassextract (Avemar ) 8.5g offermented wheatgrassextract twice/day+wateMorning stiffness showedsignificant improvement. Doses of steroids were reduced in half of the patients.
Ulcerative Colitis100ml wheatgrass juicedaily for 1 month inulcerative colitis  patientsThe severity of rectal bleeding was reduced. The disease activity index decreased.
ObesityWheatgrass in the form ofpowder 1 spoon (3g)  perday for healthy people and2 spoons for obese patientsWeight Control

Precautions to be taken with Wheatgrass [11]

Few things to keep in mind before starting the use of wheatgrass:

  1. Since it is grown in soil or water and consumed raw, contamination with bacteria, mold, and other toxic substances may be a legitimate concern.
  2. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should not use wheatgrass due to insufficient research on the topic.

Side Effects of Wheatgrass [11]

Wheatgrass is generally considered safe, although a few individuals have reported the following side effects:

  1. Nausea
  2. Headaches
  3. Hives, or swelling in the throat within minutes of drinking its juice.

Hives and swelling in the throat are often signs of a serious allergic reaction and should be handled as an emergency. Anyone having these kinds of symptoms after ingesting wheatgrass may have even more severe reactions to it later.


1. Can you enjoy the wheatgrass powder benefits by drinking it with milk?

Yes, wheatgrass powder benefits can be gained by blending it with milk or even water and then drinking it. Other components, such as certain fruits and nuts, can also be added to make it more interesting.

2. What is the best time of the day to take wheatgrass?

It is recommended that you take wheatgrass on an empty stomach every morning as this can allow it to get easily absorbed into the blood.

3. Can wheatgrass be consumed in place of vegetables?

No, wheatgrass cannot replace vegetables as it might not comprise all the nutrients that are found in the various vegetables.


Wheatgrass is a top-rated product in the Ayurvedic world for its potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. In this article, we explored 12 of the most unique and proven wheatgrass benefits in its different forms, whether wheatgrass powder benefits or its benefits in a juiced form.


This article is written from a health and wellness perspective only and is not a piece of medical advice. Kindly seek the help of a certified medical practitioner before initiating any treatment.


  1. Wheatgrass health benefits
  2. Nutritional and physiochemical properties of wheatgrass juice and preservation strategies
  3. Nutritional and Bioactive Potential of Wheat Grass Juice Powder
  4. Nutritional composition and phytochemical properties of green food, Triticum Aestivum
  5. Hypoglycemic role of wheatgrass and its effect on carbohydrate metabolic enzymes in type II diabetic rats
  6. Chlorophyll revisited: anti-inflammatory activities of chlorophyll a and inhibition of expression of TNF-α gene by the same
  7. Hepatoprotective Role of Wheatgrass on Alcohol and ΔPUFA-Induced Oxidative Stress in Rats
  8. The Effect of Wheatgrass Lyophilizate on Blood Clotting Time in Rats
  9. The multi-functional role of green blood therapy in curing many diseases
  10. Living life the natural way-Wheatgrass and Health
  11. Health benefits of wheatgrass- a wonder food
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Dr. Deepa Kadam

Dr. Deepa has over 25 years of experience making her one of the notable medical professionals in the field of Ayurveda with expertise in Ayurvedic pharmacology.

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