What is A2 Ghee and What are its Health Benefits?

Reviewed by Experts

What is A2 Ghee and What are its Health Benefits

Ghee or clarified butter is a staple food of India and is used in cooking most Indian cuisines. According to Ayurveda, there are many benefits of ghee. It helps to improve absorption of nutrients, decrease the acidic pH of the gastrointestinal tract, reduce LDL cholesterol and boost the growth and development of the body.

Ghee is made from the milk of many animals, such as cows, buffalos, goats, sheep, etc. However, the healthiest form of Ghee is said to be the one derived from Desi Cow Milk or A2 Cow Milk. Many researchers have suggested that the A2 beta-casein protein found in A2 Cow Ghee is healthier than the A1 protein. It helps to increase Ojas, build Dhatu, and improve the overall health of the body.    

What is A2 Cow Ghee?

A2 Cow Ghee is the purest form of Ghee, made using the traditional Bilona or churning method, in which the Desi cow milk is first curdled and then hand-churned or motor-churned to form butter. Next, this butter is heated until the A2 Cow Ghee is procured.    

Nutritional Value of A2 Cow Ghee

The nutritional value of 100 g A2 Cow Ghee as per the product data available on various websites of Ayurvedic products are as follows: [1]
Saturated FAT7.926g
Monounsaturated FAT3.678g
Polyunsaturated FAT0.473g
Vitamin A50%

A2 Ghee vs A1 Ghee

Cow milk can have both A1 beta-casein protein and A2 beta-casein protein. Although both of these proteins do not have any detrimental effect on health, A2 protein is considered healthier.

Ayurveda only recommends A2 Cow Ghee as at the time the text was written, there were no A1 cows, and only A2 cows were present. A1 cows are a recent addition and are mostly used for commercially producing large amounts of milk with higher fat content. [4]

Health Benefits of A2 Ghee in Ayurveda [2]

1. Improves Bone Strength

A2 Cow Ghee is rich in calcium and helps to improve bone strength. It also helps to reduce the risk of osteoporosis in older people.

2. Builds Stamina

Loaded with vitamin A and vitamin E, A2 Cow Ghee helps improve the health of skeletal muscles and promote strength. It is also known to increase energy levels and stamina for your health and well-being.

3. Boosts Skin Health

Vitamin A and E present in A2 Cow Ghee also help to nourish skin and improve your overall skin health. It can prevent and cure many skin ailments, including dry and burnt skin. 

4. Enhances Immunity

A2 Cow Ghee is rich in antioxidants, vitamin A, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, A2 beta-casein protein, and omega-3 fatty acids, all of which help build immunity and improve your overall health. 

5. Supports Digestion

Desi Cow Ghee is known to reduce constipation and facilitate easy digestion. Therefore, it can also be consumed by people who suffer from IBS or have lactose intolerance. 

6. Boosts Eye Health

Vitamin A in A2 Cow Ghee also helps to improve vision and support eye health.

7. Improves Cardiovascular Health

Desi Cow Ghee is highly beneficial for your cardiovascular health. It is rich in omega-3 fatty acids which help to prevent heart diseases; A2 beta-casein protein, which helps to increase HDL, and proline, which helps to strengthen heart muscles. 

8. Reduces Inflammation

Rich in conjugated linolenic acid, A2 Cow Ghee helps to reduce inflammation and prevent many inflammatory problems, like piles, hemorrhoids, etc.

Normal Ghee v/s A2 Cow Ghee [2]

A2 Ghee does have an upper hand over normal ghee. Here’s how:

  1. It has conjugated linoleic acid, also known as CLA, which protects our body against illnesses like diabetes, arterial plaque, etc.
  2. CLA is also an excellent anti-cancer agent.
  3. Vitamin K2 present in A2 ghee helps in maintaining bone density and healthy teeth.
  4. A2 ghee is a rich source of Vitamins A and E, which are very important for physical growth.
  5. It also possesses anti-inflammatory properties.

Side Effects

There are no such side effects reported that are particular only to A2 Ghee. However, do keep in mind these things before consuming A2 Ghee: [3]

  1. Almost 13% of the ghee is fat, which is a lot of fat. So, consume in moderation.
  2. Excess consumption can upset the digestion process.


1. What is CLA and what are its benefits?

CLA also known as conjugated linoleic acid protects our body against illnesses like diabetes, arterial plaque, etc. It is also an excellent anti-cancer agent.

2. How is A2 ghee prepared?

A2 Cow Ghee is the purest form of Ghee, made using the traditional Bilona or churning method, in which the Desi cow milk is first curdled and then hand-churned or motor-churned to form butter. Next, this butter is heated until the A2 Cow Ghee is procured.

3. How does A2 ghee strengthen our immunity?

A2 Cow Ghee is rich in antioxidants, vitamin A, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, A2 beta-casein protein, and omega-3 fatty acids, all of which help build immunity and improve your overall health.

The Takeaway

Using A2 Cow Ghee is a healthier option. It contains many nutrients and antioxidants that help to improve the overall health of the body and the mind. It also does not increase cholesterol and fat, thereby proving to be safe for regular consumption. 

Ayurveda highly recommends using Desi Cow Ghee or A2 Cow Ghee in your diet. It will help to not only improve your digestion but also build immunity and strength.   


It is important to consult a medical practitioner before making any lifestyle changes based on this article.


  1. Vrindavan Farms – A2 Desi Cow Ghee
  2. Badri cow milk and milk products: a nutraceutical review
  3. The effect of ghee (clarified butter) on serum lipid levels and microsomal lipid peroxidation – PMC
  4. (PDF) Indian cow and A2 beta-casein – A scientific perspective on health benefits

Dr. Deepa Kadam

Dr. Deepa has over 25 years of experience making her one of the notable medical professionals in the field of Ayurveda with expertise in Ayurvedic pharmacology.

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