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Food & Ingredients

Liver Cirrhosis Diet: Foods to eat and avoid with Liver Cirrhosis

Reviewed by Experts Liver Cirrhosis in Ayurveda Liver Cirrhosis is a liver condition commonly known as ‘Yakrit Kshaya’ in Ayurveda. Liver cirrhosis is the end stage...

12 Incredible Benefits of Breadfruit For Overall Health

Reviewed by experts Breadfruit, known as "bedi del" in Ayurveda or “Artocarpus altilis” scientifically, has long been revered as a potent elixir of well-being. Celebrated...

12 Proven Health Benefits of Gulkand and How to Make it

Reviewed by experts Ayurveda is a venerable system of holistic healing that has withstood the test of time for ages. One of its revered offerings,...

20 Proven Benefits of Curd for Overall Health

Reviewed By Experts “अन्नम ब्रह्म रसं विष्णुं भोक्ता देवो जनार्दनम् एवम् ध्यातव तथा ज्ञत्व अन्न दोषो न लिप्यते। Annam brahma vishnu bhokta devi janaardanm aevam dhyaatav...

Kala Chana: Nutrition, Benefits, Uses and More

Reviewed by experts The humble legume known as “kala chana” is essential in Ayurveda. Referred to as “masha” in Ayurvedic texts, this unassuming legume has...

15 Apple Cider Vinegar Side Effects You Should Know & How to Use it Safely

This article has been reviewed by experts Apple cider vinegar is widely celebrated for its potential health benefits and is often touted as a cure...

15 Best Food To Increase Blood Count

Reviewed by experts Maintaining a healthy blood count level is crucial for health and vitality. Whether recovering from a medical condition, aiming to boost your...

20 Best Fruits For Weight Gain

Reviewed by experts In the pursuit of achieving a balanced and healthy lifestyle, weight management is a topic of crucial importance. While many resources focus...

20 Best Plant Based Proteins Sources for Vegans

This article is reviewed by experts. रस्याः स्निग्धाः स्थिरा हृद्या आहाराः सात्त्विकप्रिया Foods dear to those in the mode of goodness increase the duration of life,...

15 Surprising Health Benefits of Ginger Juice & How to Make it

Reviewed By Experts Ginger juice is obtained from the ginger root, a rhizome of the flowering plant Zingiber officinale, largely used in folk medicine for centuries and...




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