20 Proven Benefits of Dates

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Do you eat dates? Did you know that these deliciously sweet fruits of the date palm tree are not only a treat for your taste buds but also offer a treasure trove of essential nutrients? Let’s find out more about the benefits of dates and the uses of dates in this article

Nutritional Value of Dates [1], [5]

Dates offer a range of essential nutrients. Dates are rich in dietary fiber, phenolic compounds, flavonoids, sugars, proteins, vitamins, and minerals. The table below shows the nutrients in dates and their values.

Energy282 Kcal
Dietary Fiber8 g
Protein2.45 g
Fat0.39 g
Water20.53 g
Calcium39 mg
Magnesium43 mg
Potassium 656 mg
Phosphorus 62 mg
Sodium2 mg
Iron1.02 mg
Zinc0.29 mg
Vitamin A10 IU
Beta carotene6μg
Vitamin E0.05 mg
Niacin1.274 mg
Vitamin C0.4 mg
Thiamine0.052 mg

Types of Dates [5]

Before you decide to incorporate this sweet delicacy into your life, you must learn about the various types of dates Mother Nature has gifted you with. Take a look

Invert-sugar Type Dates (containing fructose and glucose)

Barhi Dates

These dates are soft and creamy, dark brown, and richly flavored. Their thick flesh is deliciously sweet and comes with a melt-in-the-mouth texture. They are oval-shaped and crunchy.

Saidi Dates

These dates come as a delicious treat and have a chewy texture. They are subtly sweet and golden brown.

Mixed-Sugar Type Dates

Halawy Dates

These dates come with a golden-brown skin and their flavor is reminiscent of honey or caramel. They have tender flesh and taste like a delectable candy.

Zahidi Dates

These sugary dates are golden yellow and glossy-skinned.


This variety of dates is greenish-yellow and is therefore called green dates. These dates undergo early ripening. Their crust is brittle and medium in thickness. These dates are soft textured but low in fiber content.

Cane Sugar Type Dates (containing Sucrose)

Delget Naur

This is a soft, meaty, and honey-flavored date variety. These dates are often called the ‘Queen of Dates’ and are a renowned North African delicacy.

Delget Beidha

These dates are light in color, hard-textured and smooth-skinned.

Health Benefits of Dates [2]

1. Manages Oxidative Stress

Primary Benefit: Dates contain carotenoids, phenolics, tannins, and polyphenols which contribute to their antioxidant properties.

Secondary Benefit: As such, dates help protect against oxidative damage caused by free radicals, which are associated with diseases such as cancer and neurodegenerative disorders.

2. Controls Diabetes

Primary Benefit: Dates have compounds like flavonoids, saponins, and steroids that can prevent diabetic activity and improve diabetic neuropathy.

Secondary Benefit: In addition, dates have a low glycemic index and help inhibit glucose absorption, increase insulin production, and improve pancreatic tissue function.

3. Eases Pregnancy and Delivery 

Primary Benefit: Dates stimulate the uterus, regulate contractions, and facilitate delivery by providing natural sugars required during labor.

Secondary Benefit: Furthermore, consuming dates during the last weeks of pregnancy can also help increase cervical dilation and uterine contractions, simplifying the birth process. 

4. Prevents Tooth Decay

Primary Benefit: Dates contain fluorine, which helps reverse early tooth decay and keep teeth healthy.

Secondary Benefit: Additionally, phytochemicals found in dates also inhibit the growth of bacteria and prevent them from sticking to teeth, reducing the risk of tooth decay.

5. Supports Bone Health

Primary Benefit: Dates are rich in selenium, manganese, copper, and magnesium, which are essential for maintaining healthy bones and preventing osteoporosis.

Secondary Benefit: In addition, dates also contain potassium, folate, and vitamin C, which contribute to bone health and provide energy.

6. Has Anti-Cancer Effects

Primary Benefit: Dates contain glycan and phenolic compounds that may help reduce cancer activity in the body.

Secondary Benefit: Furthermore, the antioxidants found in dates also help protect against oxidative stress and prevent cellular damage associated with cancer.

7. Manifests Nephroprotective Activity

Primary Benefit: Dates contain vitamins E, vitamin C, selenium and quercetin, which have nephroprotective properties.

Secondary Benefit: Date pits have also shown a protective effect against kidney toxicity and can be beneficial in preventing kidney failure.

8. Shows Cardio Protective Effects

Primary Benefit: Regular consumption of dates, such as Ajwa dates, is known to strengthen the heart, improve heart function, and maintain healthy blood vessels.

Secondary Benefit: Additionally, dates also contain vitamin B, magnesium, and phytochemicals that help maintain heart rhythm and enhance cardiovascular health.

9. Comes with Neuroprotective Effects

Primary Benefit: Dates are known to protect against inflammation and oxidative stress in the brain.

Secondary Benefit: Compounds present in dates, such as hydroxycinnamates and flavonoids, are also beneficial in preventing neurodegenerative diseases and improving brain function.

10. Promotes Skin Health 

Primary Benefit: Dates contain flavonoids and phenolic compounds that prevent the production of free radicals, protecting the skin from damage. These phenolic compounds are the reason behind the benefits of dates for the skin.

Secondary Benefit: Date seed oil also helps promote skin moisture, stimulates collagen production. This is also one of the date benefits for the skin. This benefit can help maintain the firmness of your skin despite aging.

11. Promotes Digestive Wellness [7]

Primary Benefit: The fiber content in dates makes them a valuable resource for individuals dealing with irregular bowel movements and thus promotes a healthy digestive system.

Secondary Benefit: Beyond facilitating regular bowel movements, studies have shown a considerable reduction in the concentration of ammonia in the stool among those who regularly consume dates. 

12.  Antimicrobial Defense [8]

Primary Benefit: Studies have shown that dates offer active resistance against specific harmful bacteria. They serve as a formidable defense against menacing microbes, including but not limited to E. coli and pneumonia.

Secondary Benefit: By incorporating dates into your health regimen, you not only fortify your body against microbial threats but also opt for a cost-effective and safer alternative to antibiotic treatments. 

13. Anti-Inflammatory Properties [9]

Primary Benefit: Inflammation serves as the body’s responsive defense mechanism against various diseases, trauma, and infections. Dates, rich in beneficial compounds such as phenolics and flavonoids, demonstrate noteworthy effectiveness in diminishing inflammation within the body.

Secondary Benefit: By incorporating dates into your dietary routine, you enjoy the power of powerful compounds and thus get a proactive approach to managing inflammation and promoting sustained well-being.

14. Enhances Male Reproductive Health 

Primary Benefit: Dates stand out as a rich source of vitamins and minerals that play a pivotal role in augmenting male reproductive health. The abundance of these nutrients is particularly beneficial in enhancing sperm count and elevating sexual libido.

Secondary Benefit: For men seeking improved sexual performance, dates are essential due to the presence of flavonoids and various amino acids. These components not only contribute to heightened energy levels but also ensure male sexual satisfaction. Microelements in dates, including estrone and sterols, play a big role in boosting male fertility.

15. Helps the Nervous System

Primary Benefit: Dates, full of essential nutrients like potassium, contribute significantly to bolstering the nervous system. The abundance of potassium in these fruits facilitates smoother communication between nerve cells.

Secondary Benefit: In addition to potassium benefits, dates also offer a low sodium content, reducing the likelihood of hypertension. This dual effect not only aids in preventing increased blood pressure but also ensures the safeguarding of nerves from potential damage associated with hypertension.

16. Hair Health [10]

Primary Benefit: Dates are known for their substantial benefits for hair, and they serve as an excellent natural substitute to combat hair fall. This is primarily because of their exceptional iron content, a key factor contributing to their positive impact on hair health. This plays a crucial role in maintaining robust blood flow to the scalp, ensuring it receives the necessary nourishment.

Secondary Benefit: Dates provide a cost-effective alternative to commercial hair care products. Packed with iron for scalp nourishment, they promote hair health naturally, providing an affordable and accessible solution for all.

17. Helps Ease Hangovers 

Primary Benefit: Dates are a cost-effective alternative to address alcohol-induced hangovers. While not conclusively proven, soaked dates reportedly aid in alleviating the effects of heavy drinking.

Secondary Benefit: In various communities, date palm extracts are added to beer to diminish its intoxicating effects. Incorporating a couple of dates post-partying may aid in a quicker recovery, helping you get back on track.

18. Fulfils Your Vitamin Requirements [6]

Primary Benefit: Dates offer a significant dose of essential vitamins, presenting an excellent alternative to synthetic supplements. Whether dried or fresh, dates are rich sources of B1, B2, B3, and B5, crucial for maintaining optimal bodily health.

Secondary Benefit: Vitamins B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), and B6 (pyridoxine) play a pivotal role in converting food into energy and are vital for the well-being of skin, muscles, brain, and nerve functions.

19. Safeguards Vision and Prevents Night Blindness [7]

Primary Benefit: Night blindness often stems from prolonged vitamin A deficiency. Dates, abundant in vitamin A, offer natural protection against this condition when consumed regularly. 

Secondary Benefit: Vitamin A in dates plays a crucial role in maintaining retinal health, preventing dry eyes, promoting eye comfort, and reducing the risk of discomfort associated with dryness.

20. Helps Manage Anemia [6]

Primary Benefit: Dates can effectively reduce anemia by augmenting iron levels in hemoglobin. Despite moderate iron content (between 0.24mg and 3mg per 100g), dates demonstrate results comparable to iron supplements, offering a great alternative.

Secondary Benefit: Unlike iron supplements notorious for causing constipation, dates present a potential solution to this common side effect. 

The Many Ways To Eat Dates

  1. Grab a fresh date, remove the pit, and enjoy it as a quick and healthy snack on its own. 
  2. Stuff dates with nuts like almonds, walnuts, and pistachios and snack on them.
  3. Blend dates with your choice of milk, yogurt, and a handful of fruits like bananas or berries to create a delicious and nutrient-packed smoothie. 
  4. Combine dates with nuts, seeds, and a touch of honey. Roll them into bite-sized balls and refrigerate them for a convenient and energizing snack on the go.
  5. Add chopped dates to your favorite salads. They pair well with leafy greens, nuts, and cheese.
  6. Make desserts from dates, such as date cakes, cookies, and puddings. 

Some Awesome Dates Recipes

Dates are often referred to as ‘Nature’s Candy’. Their chewy texture and sweet flavor can give you a candy-like experience. Here are some of the most delicious date recipes to pamper your taste buds

Dates Kheer

This delicious and creamy kheer is made by combining rice and a paste of dates cooked in full-fat milk with generous amounts of sugar and nuts. Cardamom powder is used as a flavoring agent in this kheer while saffron is used as a coloring agent.

Dates Ladoos

These are small bite-sized balls made from grounded dates mixed with roasted, crushed nuts and desiccated coconut. Ghee or clarified butter is used generously in this recipe. The ladoos are filling, tasty, and flavored with cardamom powder.

Stuffed Dates

This is one of the simplest date recipes. All you have to do is remove the seeds from the dates and stuff them with a sweet, delicious mix of desiccated coconut, vanilla essence, fresh cream, and chopped nuts.

Dates Smoothie

This is a delicious, energy-packed smoothie made from date powder and milk. You can flavor the smoothie with crushed cardamoms and garnish with chopped dates, nuts, and saffron strands.

Dates Chutney

The sweet and sour chutney is made by combining pureed dates with mango powder and a few spices. The use of dry ginger powder and garam masala adds a spicy touch to the chutney. This chutney pairs well with dahi vada or dry kachori.


1. Can jaggery be produced from dates?

Yes, date palm jaggery is a variety of jaggery or gur that is derived from evaporating sap obtained from wild date palm trees. It serves as a natural sweetener and is found in India in different forms, such as grainy, liquid, or solid [3].

2. Are dates suitable for people with diabetes?

Yes, dates can be consumed by people with diabetes in moderation. They have compounds like flavonoids, saponins, and steroids that can prevent diabetic activity and improve diabetic neuropathy. Additionally, dates have a low glycemic index and help inhibit glucose absorption, increase insulin production, and improve pancreatic tissue function. [4]

3. How should I pick the right dates at the market?

When choosing dates at the market, it is important to look for ones that are not overly sticky or shriveled. Opt for dates that have a shiny and plump appearance, as they indicate freshness and quality.

4. Can dates be given to babies?

Yes, dates can be given to babies. You can make date powder at home and mix it with baby foods. Dates help your baby to gain weight and help in brain and bone development.

5. Why do dates have special significance for the Muslims?

Dates are mentioned several times in the holy Quran. It is considered a sacred food. It is a tradition among Muslims to break their fast with dates during the Ramadan fasting. [5]


Dates are not only a delightful treat for the taste buds but also a nutritional powerhouse. Their rich and sweet flavor is complemented by a remarkable array of essential nutrients that contribute to overall health and well-being. These nutrients play crucial roles in various bodily functions, from supporting bone health and cardiovascular function to boosting kidney health and promoting healthy skin.


This article is written from a health and lifestyle perspective. It is for general information and is not meant to substitute any medical advice. Please consult your doctor for appropriate medical consultation.


  1. A review of the chemical composition, nutritional and health benefits of dates for their potential use in energy nutrition bars for athletes
  2. Potential Health Benefit of Dates Based on Human Intervention Studies: An Overview
  3. Jaggery: A natural sweetener
  4. Dates and Diabetes
  5. Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) Fruit as Potential Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Agents
  6. Date Fruit Composition and Nutrition
  7. Nutritional and Medicinal Value of Date Fruit
  8. Study of Antibacterial Activity of some Date Seed Extracts
  9. Therapeutic effects of date fruits (Phoenix dactylifera) in the prevention of diseases via modulation of anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and anti-tumour activity
  10. Potential Health Benefit of Dates Based on Human Intervention Studies: A Brief Overview

Dr. Deepa Kadam

Dr. Deepa has over 25 years of experience making her one of the notable medical professionals in the field of Ayurveda with expertise in Ayurvedic pharmacology.

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