How to Use Haritaki for Increased Efficacy?

Haritaki, also known as Harad, is one of the most popular herbs of Ayurveda. It forms an important constituent of Triphala, an Ayurvedic formulation offering numerous health benefits. It is said that regular consumption of Haritaki can yield several benefits to the body

About Haritaki

Haritaki is termed the king of herbs by many Ayurvedic practitioners. There are mainly seven types of Haritaki found in India, namely Jayanti Haritaki, Abhaya Haritaki, Amrita Haritaki, Putna Haritaki, Rohini Haritaki, Vijaya Haritaki and Chetaki Haritaki. 

It is rich in laxative, anti-bilious and antioxidative properties, making it highly effective in curing many diseases and disorders in the body. Ayurveda mentions Haritaki as a Tridoshic, meaning it can pacify all the three Doshas in the body. It is vastly used in Ayurvedic medicines, especially as a Rasayana (rejuvenator) and a detoxifying agent. 

How to Use Haritaki to Increase Efficacy

Haritaki is readily available in the form of powder. You can mix it with warm water and have it in the form of decoction or herbal tea. This method is especially useful to remove Ama or toxins from the body and treat gastrointestinal diseases

However, you can also use Haritaki with different ingredients in different seasons. Ayurveda calls this regime Ritu Haritaki. It is highly beneficial in rejuvenating and promoting youthfulness and happiness. Ritu Haritaki increases the efficacy of the herb and lets you reap the maximum benefits.  

  • In Varsha Ritu or the rainy season, Haritaki has to be taken with rock salt.
  • In Sharad Ritu or autumn season, Ayurveda recommends using Haritaki with sugar.
  • In Hemant Ritu or early winters, you should ingest Haritaki with Shunti or ginger.
  • In Shishira Ritu or late winters, Haritaki has to be taken with Pippali or long pepper
  • In Vasanta Ritu or spring season, you should take Haritaki with Madhu or honey.
  • In Greeshma Ritu or the summer season, Haritaki is most effective if taken with jaggery or Guda. 

What are the Therapeutic Uses of Haritaki

1. Boosts Digestion

Haritaki helps to improve the absorption of nutrients in the body and promote digestion. It also acts as a natural laxative, and therefore, helps to treat constipation and reduce flatulence in the body. Haritaki is also highly beneficial in treating acidity and stomach ulcers

2. Promotes Weight Loss

Haritaki is a natural detoxifying agent and helps remove Ama from the body, thereby aiding in weight loss. It is also highly effective in boosting the digestive and metabolic activities in the body. 

3. Aids in Diabetes Management

Haritaki is extremely helpful in diabetes management. It helps to stimulate insulin production in the body, thereby regulating the levels of blood sugar.  

4. Improves Oral Health

Haritaki is rich in anti-bacterial properties and therefore helps to alleviate bacterias from the cavities. Ayurveda recommends using Haritaki for treating and preventing various diseases related to oral hygiene, such as gum diseases, mouth ulcers, infections, oral cavities, tooth decay, etc. 

5. Promotes the Health of the Skin and Hair

Rich in antioxidants and anti-bacterial properties, Haritaki is one of the best herbs to promote skin and hair health. It helps to alleviate many skin problems such as acne, pimples, rashes, etc. It also helps in treating hair problems such as scalp infections, dandruff, hair fall, etc.

What are the Side Effects of Haritaki

Haritaki does not have any adverse side effects. However, overconsumption of the herb may cause diarrhoea, fatigue, dehydration, etc. Therefore, it is recommended to always consult an Ayurvedic doctor before consuming Haritaki on a regular basis. 


Haritaki helps to pacify all three aggravated Doshas in the body. If used with different ingredients in different seasons, Haritaki can increase the efficacy of the herb and let you reap the maximum health benefits. 

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Dr. Shankar Rao

Dr. Rao has achieved great success in his career, with 5 research projects and 4 books to his credit, as well as a Monograph. In addition to receiving the Bharat Scout & Guide Award from the President of India, Dr Rao has also won the Young Scientist Award from S.V. University, Tirupati.

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